出版社:橘子 作者:美食編輯小組企劃 著
掌握作重點,製作西餐就是這麼簡單 25道好吃易做料理簡單上手 西式經典菜色,肋眼牛排佐蘑菇醬、香煎小羊排佐黑胡椒醬、藍帶雞排、紅酒番茄燉牛肉、法式烤雞、義大利肉醬麵、提拉米蘇等,道道令人垂涎西餐料理,只要掌握好製作重點,在家也可以出媲美餐館的西餐料理。 提供西餐醬汁的基本做法,除了大家所熟悉的黑胡椒醬、蘑菇醬等,還包括主菜醬汁、沙拉醬汁、義大利麵醬等。以最簡單的方式傳授給讀者,就算廚房新手也容易上手。
4主菜醬汁 Sauce for Main Courses黑胡椒醬 Black Pepper Sauce5 洋蘑菇醬 Mushroom Sauce6 麵粉糊的製作 Making a Roux7 自製沙拉醬 DIY Salad Dressing8 凱撒沙拉 Caesar Salad9 常用沙拉醬的做法 Common Salad Dressings凱撒沙拉醬 Caesar Salad Dressing田園沙拉醬 Green Salad Dressing10 吞拿魚菇盒Tuna Stuffed Mushrooms做吞拿魚菇盒,菇菌為什麼要先泡鹽水?Why is it necessary to first soak the mushrooms in salted water?12 香煎培根鮮貝Pan-fried Bacon Wrapped Scallops培根不宜圍繞太多圈!Do not wrap too many rounds of bacon round the scallops.14 奶油南瓜湯Cream of Pumpkin Soup鮮奶油為什麼要熄火後才加入?Why add fresh cream only after the heat is turned off?16 羅宋湯Chinese Borscht牛肉宜冷水下鍋煮!Add beef to cold water to cook.18 酥皮洋菇湯Mushroom Soup with Puff Pastry.處理酥皮要注意的事!Tips for using puff pastry for the dish.20 香煎小羊俳佐黑胡椒醬Lamp Chops with Black Pepper Sauce煎小羊俳要注意的事!Tips for pan-frying lamb chops.22 肋眼牛排佐蘑菇醬Rib Eye Steak with Mushroom Sauce煎牛排的時間Cooking times for Steaks.24 紅酒番茄燉牛肉Stewed Beef with Red Wine and Tomatoes以紅酒入菜要注意的事Cooking with red wine.26 迷迭香牛小排Rosemary Beef Short Ribs為什麼選用牛小排?Why use beef short ribs?28 蒜味菲力牛肉Garlic Filet Steak認識菲力牛排多一點!About filet steak.30 茄汁洋蔥豬排Pork Chop with Onion in Tomato Sauce為什麼使用豬小裡脊肉來做豬排?Why is pork tenderloin used?32 藍帶雞排Chicken Cordon Bleu使用麵包粉要注意的事!Tips for using bread crumbs.34 法式烤雞Roast Chicken with Jus如何做出外酥內嫩的法式烤雞?How to achieve a roast chicken that is crisp on the outside and tender on the inside?36 芝士香蒜烤雞排Baked Chicken fillet with Cheese and Garlic芝士香蒜烤雞排不易焦黑的秘訣!How to prevent the chicken from burning?38 葡國雞Portuguese Chicken炒麵粉糊要注意的事!Tips for making a roux.40 西式炸魚排Deep-fried Fish Fillet如何炸出外酥肉嫩的魚排?Tips for crispy golden deep-fried tender fish.42 軟煎魚柳佐洋菇醬汁Fish Fillet with Mushroom Sauce燜煮魚柳忌以大火!Do not use high heat when braising fish fillets.44 九層塔香蒜煎三文魚Pan-fried Salmon with Basil and Garlic Sauce加入奶油煮的醬汁,不宜擱置太久!Serve a dish immediately or soon after cooking if butter is added to the sauce during cooking.46 白汁火局蝦Baked Prawns in White Sauce製作白汁要注意的事!Tips for making a white sauce.48 蝦仁奶油火局烤飯Baked Rice with Shrimps鮮奶油不宜煮過久!Do not overcook fresh cream.50 火腿洋菇蛋捲Ham and Mushrooms Omelette蛋液倒入鍋後,為什麼要用筷子攪動?When pouring beaten egg into the pan, why is it necessary to stir it with chopsticks?52 洋菇漢堡排Mushrooms and Beef Burger絞肉不摔不成器?How to prepare the meat patty so that it has a better texture?54 義大利肉醬面Spaghetti Bolognese義大利面不宜煮得太熟,為什麼?Do not overcook the spaghetti.56 提拉米蘇Tiramisu人氣甜點!The number one favourite desserts in town.58 焦糖布丁Caramel Pudding隔水蒸烤的焦糖布丁。Steam-bake Caramel pudding.