
出版社:寂天  作者:Connie Slig 著  


  本套書分為四冊,以訓練英語閱讀為目的,讓讀者由閱讀技巧的訓練,提升閱讀能力與速度。依學習主題分五大單元,各單元內容針對一學習重點撰寫,包括讀取資訊、重點摘要、字彙學習、參考資料、影像圖表等,並配合大量閱讀測驗題。文章主題包羅萬象,從文學、藝術、史地、人物、科技、生物、政治等等都涵蓋其中。  Book 4 的每篇文章長度約400字,涵蓋大考中心公布的7000個高中英語字彙、全民英檢中高級程度所需的單字及進階字彙。除了適合學生準備各種考試外,本書亦為參加全民英檢、學測指考之必備用書。本書特色  1) 明確的程度分級--依照程度分級,難度由淺入深,讀者可按個人英語程度,選擇合適的分冊。   2) 實用的閱讀技巧--依照閱讀技巧分為五大單元,包括重點摘要、批判思考、字彙學習、資料搜尋和圖片表格等。每一單元針對各閱讀技巧撰寫,引導讀者正確的閱讀方向,幫助釐清思考。   3) 包羅萬象的內容--文章內容豐富,包含歷史、政治、地理、科技、文化等多種領域。讀者一方面能提升閱讀能力,另一方面也能吸收專業與常見知識,增廣見聞。   4) 豐富的彩圖說明--每篇文章依照主題,搭配豐富的彩色插圖,輔助讀者學習,加深印象。   5) 精心設計的主題--根據主題設計充足的練習題,讓讀者進行自我評量,測量對文章的理解程度。讀者可藉由實際的演練,有效地將閱讀技巧轉化為個人能力。


  作者簡介Connie Sliger  曾於聖里奧大學(Saint Leo University)擔任了13年的大學事工召集人(Coordinator of University Ministry)和服務組織「The Samaritans」的指導顧問,與學生進行一對一的教學。在文學基礎課程中,她鼓勵學生主動表達對於精神事物、全球議題、多元性和社會正義的看法。她帶著一顆認真的心寫下了這本書,幫助學生專注在思考過程中,這不僅對於英語學習有所助益,同時也有助於學生深度思考自己的人生。  她畢業於美國威斯康辛大學(University of Wisconsin),現與丈夫Sam和作家兒子Nathan居住於佛羅里達州的一座牧場。 


Unit 1 閱讀的目的?Part 1 It’s “Slamming,” in a Word / Puppy Food / In the Spirit of Suomi—Finland’s Cultural Industry / Natural Remedies for Dealing With Depression / Getting a Good Night’s SleepPart 2 The Longest Fuel Pipeline / Graffiti—From Graffiato to Hip Hop/ The Culture of the Wedding Ceremony / Lucille Reed, 4-H Dairy Queen / China’s Forbidden CityUnit 2 閱讀理解Part 1 The Crystal Ball Has It / Solutions for Stray and Feral Cats and Dogs / Eclipses: Nature’s Drama / Fascinating and True: The Story of Sam Walton and Walmart / Chinese MahjongPart 2 The Academy Awards / Glaciers / Human Genetic Engineering / Mercury / The Mysterious Death of Princess DianaPart 3 Near-Earth Asteroids—A Globally Unifying Event / The Wailing Wall / Paul Gauguin / The Battle of Thermopylae / TeletubbiesPart 4 Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis: Our Glorious Nighttime Lights / Oktoberfest / Evita / Urban Legends / Health Food for a Healthy, Vibrant LifePart 5 Bond, James Bond—and the Genuine Spy / President Barack Obama / Can Animals Predict Earthquakes? / Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Man of Passionate Callings / The Liberty Bell, a Very Significant SymbolPart 6 The Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis / Solar Driven Climate Change: A Convenient Truth / Stonehenge—A Thought-Provoking Connection / Swine Flu / Can Vegetation Slow Down Global Warming?Part 7 Hayao Miyazaki / Cloud Gate Dance Theater / Dear Diary / 7-Elevens—A Name Synonymous With Convenience / Maria SharapovaPart 8 The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence / Mad Cow Disease (BSE) / Cord Blood / The Oracle of Omaha / Don’t Leave Home Without Your Lucky Stone / “The Troubles” of Northern Ireland / Crop CirclesUnit 3 英文字彙Part 1 Bruce Lee / How to Survive a Plane Crash / The Gender of Your Brain / Why Do We Forget Things? / Bicycle FeverPart 2 Biofuels / The History of the Zipper / Morphological Derivation, a Highly Effective Process / Twitter / Talent Shows—What’s All the Buzz About?Part 3 The Steppe Mammoth / Did We All Come From Africa? / Technology Aids Amputees / Internet Fraud / Freedom HouseUnit 4 找出資料Using a Dictionary—Slang Dictionary / Music—An Appreciation—Using the Table of Contents and Index / The Historical Atlas / Using the Encyclopaedia Britannica Eleventh Edition / Political Cross-ReferencingUnit 5 圖片、圖像和圖表Road Map: The Geneva Park District / Special Purpose Map: Saint Leo University / Gantt Charts: Scheduling With a Complex Bar Graph / Line Graphs: Weight Training / The Keeling Curve / Reading Tables & Graphs: Acceleration Due to GravityUnit 6 總複習Will E-Books Replace Traditional Books? / Ancient Greek Tragedy / Instant Messaging / Science Fiction / Cotton—The World’s Fabric / Stephen King: The Master of Horror / Diamond Mining and Conflict in the Congo / Agraphia and Computer-Induced Agraphia / Environmentally Friendly Innovations / How the Cactus Survives in the Desert / Radio Frequency Identification 



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