Art Hotel 艺术酒店

出版时间:2008  出版社:PAGEONE  作者:Cheng, Kelley (EDT)/ Narain, Serena (EDT)/ Loh, Adeline (EDT)/ She-reen, Wong (EDT)/ Hui, Lee Xiao (EDT)  


A new breed of hotels is emerging. Being hailed as the Art Hotel, art is going beyond mere decoration in hotel interiors to redefine the traditional hotel experience in provocative ways. 'Art Hotels' showcases 30 hotels from around the world which have artistically-recreated public and private spaces including their bedrooms, lobbies, and restaurants. These hotels are reclaiming a spirit of authenticity and playfulness, revealing the tastes of a new generation of travellers seeking hotels with character and soul. From the range of art works in the hotel, to theatrical in-room installations, to unconventional furnishings, art hotels present expressive and individualistic spaces which create encounters with art. 'Art Hotels' will appeal to artists, designers and art loving public with its selection of art hotels, and will be an invaluable resource for hoteliers seeking to create engaging and exciting new spaces for their own hotels.


Also Available from Page One Publishing: 'Resorts by Thai Architects'   ISBN: 9789812459183




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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   很Cool的设计,不一定能给国内设计师多少参考价值,但是设计就是如此,很出位!

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