法国景观设计French Landscape Design

出版时间:2007-11  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Pageone  页数:441  


 Landscape architecture involves a challenging assimilation of competencies and knowledge in many disciplines including ecology and botany, as well as techniques, materials, the social sciences, artistic expression and creativity, and their practical application.This book showcases the works of renowned contemporary French landscape architects, currently among the most talented in their field, and their skill and capacity in synthesising the most simple, ecological and sustainable materials and techniques to transform sites and bring the projects to realisation.    lllustrated lavishly with full-colour photographs and accompanied by an insightful analysis of the projects, this volume is an invaluable and accessible reference not only for landscape architects and their clients, but the interested layman.


PrefaceLandscape and Site  Scenography of Empty Spaces Brittany / Loiret / Yonne, France  Drawings in the Fields France  Motorway Rest Areas : A Respite from Speed Aube / Yonne, France  Hellenikon Metropolitan Park Athens, Greece  Pont du Gard Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France  Feyssine Park Villeurbanne, France  Bourgailh Forest Pessac, FrancePublic Parks and Gardens  Bird Park Villars-les-Dombes, France  Vincennes Zoo Paris, France African Plain Lyon, France Solutre Archeologic Park Solutre, France Three Continents - Botanical Gardens in Mindin Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France Bordeaux Botanical Garden Bordeaux, France Chemin de I'lle Park Nanterre, France ……Urban Public SpacesPrivate Gardens and Green SpacesAnnex




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