The Serenity Of Minimal Living安静的小居室设计

出版时间:2008-1  作者:Not Available (NA)  页数:204  


The power of simplicity is fundamental to minimalist living .It is the purest essence of the home and interior ,with no redundancy or frills.although widely seen today.minimalism only took flight when Luminaries such as john pawson,Claudio silvestrin,peter zumthor and alberto campo baeza brought about far =reaching changes in the world of contemporary architecture and interiors with their minimalistic designs.This book presents 12 recently completed projects by leading architects and designers who are all worthy ambassadors of the "less is more"principle.


ForewordPART 1:MINIMALISM IN ARCHITECTURE  A minimalist metamorphosis   A desire for the essence  Contemporary living in harmony with country surroundings  A streamlined designer house in the united states  A new home  Functional minimalism  Transparency,openness and geometry  The importance of light  Living and working in a minimalist setting PART 2:MINMALIST INTERIORS  A contemporay in terpreation of the classic bel-etage  Art and design in a minimalist setting   Fireplaces made to orderAddressesCredits




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