小居室设计 Small Interiors

出版时间:2005-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Dimitris Kottas  页数:239  


A variety of beautifully-illustrated、case studies of smalI Interiors.ingeniously designed to maximise their limited space,make this an indiSpensable sourcebook.Featuring thorough technicalinformation-ground plans.materials,specifications on furniture and fixtures-this book provides ideas on every aspect of the design process frOm the ground up.These homes are streamlined inside and out.with dozens of never-before-seen solutions in storage and an array of innovative,multi.purpose design solutions for.furniture and fixtures in homes where space iS a limited commodity.


Christian Pottgiesser 24,Rue Buisson Saint Louis   Ma FC(Michele Bonino&Subhash Mukerjee)with Federica Patti,Martina Tabo House in TorinoIan Hay Hay Apartmenti29 office for spatial design Heart of the home+BlossomBromley Caldari Emi’S ApartmentDavid Matu ren Apa rtment Za ragoza DavidClaeson,Koivisto&Rune Apartment in StockhlomJohanna Grawunder Beach House in Milan    GCA&Associats House in Costa BravaSergio Calatroni Gallery dwelling UchidaJean.Pierre L6v~que House in Rue CompansM6nica Pla Guillermo’S LoftAtelier Bow Wow Asama HouseARCHITECTEN LAB Apartment VAnne Bugugnani LOFT 108Aase Kari Kvalvik VervenRoberto Silvestri A House in Piazza NavonaJordi Gali Apartment in BarcelonaSth Studio Eden Street/Clarendon StreetMark Guard Apartment in Bankside LoftsJose Gigante Wind Mill ReconvertingEstudio Farini Bresnick Renovation of an apartmentDrewes Architects Cordes ApartmentFabienne Couvert & Guillaume Terver Villa les Roses




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