出版时间:2007-1 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:本社 编 页数:177
Modem jhas adopted the work: space as a second habitation, although it can also be considered as the most important space of habitation, the first home for most of the population, who spend far more time in front of the com-puter and the telephone than sitting on the sofa in their true homes. For this reason some of the greatest advances in technology and construction concen-trate on making the working environment more pleasant and favourable. This book offersan interesting sample of exemplary office spaces designed by architects of international fame. These space)us work areas have been effi- ciently distributed according to criteria of ergonomics and well-being, and com- bine an interesting interior design with the most recent technologies. Included are floor plans, technlcal specifcations,materials used and commen-tary on each project, all provided by the designing architects themselves. Herzog & de Meuron, Kauffmann Theilig & Partner, Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen, Wiel Arets are just some of the architectural luminaries who have con-tributed to this fine selection.
IntroductionTHAM VIDEGARD HANSSON - SNOWCRASHSnowcrash Office and ShowroomMITCHELL & GIURGr"ILALighthouse National Headquartersr, IBIC & PARTNERSI.Net HeadquartersDENYS & VON AREND -I- GUY SONETRenault Design BarcelonaHERZOG & OE MEURONRicola Marketing BuildingPRIESTMAN ARCHITECTSTed Baker HeadquartersGCA ARQUITECTES ASSDCIATSArchitecture StudioHAH AGNETA HAHNE ARKITEKTER ABPeer Communication ABMARMl:3k RADZINER AND ASSnl3IATESTBWA\Chiat\Day OfficesKAUFFMANN THElElEl&PARTNER FRElE ARCHITEKTEN B DAWerdich Headquarter OfficesS13HMIDT.HAMMER&LABSENNykred it Headq ua rtersSIDNAM PETRONE GARTNER ARmHITEB~SNew York Offices of America On LineWIEL ARETSLensvelt Offices and WarehouseWHITE DESIBNCELUX Sales Office&Training CentreZEIkl-IN&PARTNERSLowe Brindfors AdvertisingHELFAND MVERBERG GUGGENHEIMERArchitects'OFFiceRAMON LknPART RICARTRadio Barcelona