当代室内设计The Art Of Contemporary Interiors

出版时间:2005-10  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:213  


In this publication, over 20 renowned architects and interior designers expose their visions of the contemporary residence.  These projects are extremely varied in terms of departure point as well as concepuon: a contemporary residence, constructed from an old linen factory, a current renovation of an old master house,a transformation of a sailor's house into a pleasing living and workingspace, a sober restoration of an authentic hotel, a hyper modern apartment in a contemporary building, etc.     These few articles, however, are based on a same element: thepermanent search for the essentials in architecture and interior design This quest, in general, drives interior designs that witness a pleasant living minimalism: sober and stripped with respect for the fight proportions of warm and natural colours. The timeless quality of materials and the contemporary know-how form the centre of each prolect.    This is probably what we know as seremty and refinement, which are encompassed in these interiors.


PrefaceCHAPTER I:INSPIRING WORKS Radical Transformation of a 1959 Villa Contemporary Residence on the Foundation of an Old Linen Factory Contemporary Apartment in an Old Building Timeless Class and Discretion in a Villa Lighting, Symmetry and Sobriety Monastic Ambience in a Forester's House The Search for Ultimate Sobriety and Pure BeautyCHAPTER II:  CONTEMPORARY CLASSICS Harmony of Old and New Contemporary Transformation of a Historical House A Manor-Style Classical Villa with Contemporary Accents A Sober Coastal Apartment with Maritime Accents Contemporary Interior of a Campine Farm Authentic Renovation of a Country House in Damme A Timeless and Current Art of Living Contemporary Transformation of a Country House in Walloon BrabantCHAPTER III:  NEW TRENDS  Contemporary Renovation of a 1970 Villa  Art and Design in a Country House  A Serene Universe for a Unique Furniture Design Collection  Refined Minimalism in a Contemporary Apartment  New Space for a Unique Collection of Contemporary ArtCHAPTER IV: THE CONTEMPORARY KNOW-HOW Light and Space in an Apartment at Ostend A Carpet of Pebbles Exclusive Fireplace in a Contemporary Decor Bibliography Photography Credits




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