当代房屋设计The Bliss Of Contemporary Houses

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:232  


PART Ⅰ:CONTEMPORARY CLASSIC The metamorphosis of's Gravenhof A modern renovation with a loft atmosphere Coordination from A to Z Professional design and colour advice Contemporary designs for heat sources Radical renovation of a contemporary city home Neat, discreet, timelessPART Ⅱ:CONTEMPORARY  LIVING  IN  THE  CITY Light, space, vision Aiming for the essence A perfect mix of contemporary and classic design Coming home to modern art Sober refinement in a contemporary penthousePART Ⅲ:  CONTEMPORARY LIVING OUTSIDE THE CITY A symbiosis of contrasts Openness and transparency The contemporary transformation of an old farmhouse A new transparency The contemporary appearance of an old parsonage Contemporary living in contact with naturePicture credits




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