
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Zichichi, Antonino; Zichichi, A.; Zichichi, Anotonio  页数:437  


In August/September 2002, a group of 78 physicists from 50 laboratories in 17 countries met in Erice, Italy, to participate in the 40th Course of the International School of Subnuclear Physics. The purpose of the School was to focus attention on the theoretical and phenomenological developments in gauge theories, as well as in all the other sectors of subnuclear physics. Experimental highights from the most relevant sources of new data were presented and discussed, including the latest news on theoretical developments in quantizing the gravitational forces.    This volume constitutes the proceedings of the School. It is dedicated to the memory of Victor Frederick Weisskopf, a founder — together with John Stewart Bell, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett and Isidor Isaac Rabi — of the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture, this School being the first of its 114 Schools now in existence.


Mini-Courses on Basics  Lattice Field Theory and SU(N) Gauge Theories  Symmetries and Quasi-Particles in Hot QCD  Physics of QCD Instantons  Confinement and Duality  Probing Grand Unification Through Neutrino Oscillations  Leptogenesis and Proton Decay  Status of Super String Theory  Perturbative Quantum Gravity  Proton Structure and Its Flavor DecompositionExperimental Highlights  Selected Highlights from the First Heavy Ion Runs at RHIC  Highlights from Gran Sasso  Experimental Highlights from Super-Kamiokande  The Fermilab Experimental Physics ProgramSpecial Sessions for New Talents  Interpretation of the Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at OPAL  in a CP-Violating MSSM Scenario  Application of the Large-Nc Limit to a Chiral Lagrangian with Resonances  Towards the Finite Temperature Gluon Propagator in Landau Gauge  Yang-Mills Theory  Hermes Measurements of the Nucleon Spin StructureClosing Ceremony  Prizes and Scholarships  Participants




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