6年级小学健康教材学生用书Textbook P6

出版时间:2002年01月  出版社:2002-01-01 (2002年1月1日)  作者:Alan Chng  


is a health education package for use by students in primary schools. It is written based on the new Ministry of Education Health Education Syllabus (2001). With emphasis on the teaching of thinking skills, this new syllabus also makes provision for the infusion of National Education and integration of information technology.
Through health education, students can learn how to attain, maintain and enhance their physical, mental and social well-being. Such learning experiences provide opportunities for them to develop good health habits and positive attitudes towards health. It also provides students with decision-making skills to help them to make the right choices and decisions concerning their health.

length: (cm)25.8                 width:(cm)20.1



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