
出版时间:2003-12  出版社:Pengiun Group (USA)  作者:Teece, David J.  页数:514  


This book examines the manner in which successful firms develop, transfer, protect, and capture value from technological innovation. In essence, it is about "knowledge management", which lies at the foundation of firm level competitive advantage in today’s global economy. The essays contain some of the fundamental contributions to the field of knowledge management by one of its best-known thinkers; they also constitute an immensely practical guide for those managers who wish to look below the surface of what is going on in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


David J. Teece is a Professor at the Haas School of Business, University of California.Berkeley where he also directs the Institute for  Management,  Innovation  and Organization. He is the author of over 150 articles and a dozen books, many of them d


IntroductionI.CAPTURING  VALUE  FROM  TECHNOLOGICAL  INNOVATION  Profiting from Technological Innovation: Implications for Integration, Collaboration, Licensing and Public Policy (Research Policy, 15:6 (1986), 285-305)  Capturing Value from Knowledge Assets: The New Economy,Markets for Know-how, and Intangible Assets(California Management Review, 40 : 3 (Spring 1998), 55-79)II.SUSTAINING  VALUE  CREATION  AND  CAPTURE  Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management(with Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen)(Strategic Management Journal, 18:7 (1997), 509-533)  Mitigating Procurement Hazards in the Context of Innovation(with John M. deFigueiredo)(Industrial and Corporate Change, 5:2 (1996), 537-559)  Firm Organization, Industrial Structure, and Technological Innovation (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,31  (1996),  193-224)III. LICENSING, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, AND THE MARKET FOR KNOW-HOW  When is Virtual Virtuous? Organizing for Innovation(with Henry W. Chesbrough)(Harvard Business Review (January-February 1996), 65-73)  Managing Intellectual Capital: Licensing and Cross-Licensing in Semiconductors and Electronics(with Peter C. Grindley)   (California Management Review, 39 : 2 (Winter 1997), 1-34)  The Market for Know-How and the Efficient International Transfer of Technology(The Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science,November 1981, 81-96)  Technology Transfer by Multinational Firms: The Resource Cost of Transferring Technological Know-How(The Economic Journal, 87 (June 1977), 242-261)IV.    TECHNOLOGICAL  CHANGE  AND  COMPETITION  POLICY  Antitrust Policy and Innovation: Taking Account of Performance Competition and Competitor Cooperation(with Thomas M. Jorde)(Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,147  (1991),  118-144)  Information Sharing, Innovation, and Antitrust(Antitrust Law Journal, 62:2 (Winter 1994), 465-481)  The Meaning of Monopoly: Antitrust Analysis in High-Technology Industries (with Mary Coleman)(The Antitrust Bulletin (Fall-Winter 1998), 801-857)  The Analysis of Market Definition and Market Power in the Context of Rapid Innovation (with Chris Pleatsikas)(International Journal of Industrial Organization,19:5 (2001), 695-704)V.TECHNOLOGICAL  INNOVATION  AND  THE  THEORY  OF  THE  FIRM  Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,3 (1982), 39-63)  Competition, Cooperation, and Innovation: Organizational Arrangements for Regimes of Rapid Technical Progress   (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,18 (1992), 1-25)  The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Perspectives on Alfred Chandler's Scale and Scope (1990)(Journal of Economic Literature, XXXI (March 1993),207-234)



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