出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司 作者:本社 编 页数:257
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is an approach to therapeutic exercise which therapists all over the world have found effective for treating patients with a wide range of diagnoses. The approach presented here is based on the concepts set out by Dr. Herman Kabat and taught by Margaret Knott. The authors, experienced PNF teachers, show how they use the PNF method for effective evaluation, planning and treatment, and the readers will gain a clear understanding of why, how and when to apply PNF techniques in patient treatment. The book's special feature is the detailed photographic documentation of PNF patterns, mat and gait activities and their functional application. The combination of photographs and accompanying text guides students learning PNF and stimulates therapists familiar with the method to review and improve their skills.
1 Introduction to Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation2 Basic Procedures for Facilitation 2.1 Resistance 2.2 Irradiation and Reinforcement 2.3 Manual Contact 2.4 Body Position and Body Mechanics 2.5 Verbal (Commands) 2.6 Vision 2.7 Traction and Approximation 2.8 Stretch 2.9 Timing 2.10 Patterns3 Techniques 3.1 Rhythmic Initiation 3.2 Combination of Isotonics 3.3 Reversal of Antagonists 3.3.1 Dynamic Reversals 3.3.2 Stabilizing Reversals 3.3.3 Rhythmic Stabilization 3.4 Repeated Stretch (Repeated Contractions) 3.4.1 Repeated Stretch from Beginning of Range 3.4.2 Repeated Stretch Through Range 3.5 Contract-Relax 3.6 Hold-Relax 3.7 Summary of PNF Techniques and Their Goals 4 Patient Treatment 4.1 Evaluation 4.2 Treatment Goals 4.3 Treatment Design 4.4 Direct and Indirect Treatment 4.4.1 Direct Treatment 4.4.2 Indirect Treatment 4.5 Assessment 4.6 Treatment Planning5 Patterns of Facilitation6 The Scapula and Pelvis 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Applications 6.1.2 Diagonal Motion 6.1.3 Patient Position 6.1.4 Therapist Position 6.1.5 Grips 6.1.6 Resistance 6.2 Scapula Patterns 6.2.1 Anterior Elevation and Posterior Depression 6.2.2 Anterior Depression and Posterior Elevation 6.3 Pelvis Patterns 6.3.1 Anterior Elevation and Posterior Depression 6.3.2 Anterior Depression and Posterior Elevation 6.4 Symmetrical, Reciprocal and Asymmetrical Exercises 6.4.1 Symmetrical Reciprocal Exercise: Anterior Elevation - Posterior Depression of the Scapula and Pelvis 6.4.2 Asymmetrical Exercise: Anterior Elevation-Posterior Depression of the Pelvis with Anterior Depression- Posterior Elevation of the Scapula 7 The Upper Extremity 7.1 Arm Patterns 7.1.1 Introduction 7.1.2 Flexion-Abduction-External Rotation 7.1.3 Flexion-Abduction-External Rotation with Elbow Flexion 7.1.4 Flexion-Abduction-External Rotation with Elbow Extension 7.1.5 Extension-Adduction-InternalRotation 7.1.6 Extension-Adduction-InternalRotation with Elbow Extension 7.1.7 Extension-Adduction-Internal Rotation with Elbow Flexion 7.1.8 Flexion-Addnction-External Rotation8 The Lower Extremity9 The Neck10 The Trunk11 Mat Activities12 Gait Training13 Vital Functions14 Activities of Daily Living15 Glossary