
出版时间:2002-09-02  出版社:Tian Xia  作者:Sam Goldstein  译者:柯清心  


Help your child succeed!     
If your child is falling behind in school, you know what heartache is —watching the struggle, feeling the frustration, yearning to help —but what can you do?
You can do a lot! In Overcoming Underachieving two nationally recognized experts in children's school problems show you how to become your child's advocate, coach, and guide through the educational process. Using numerous case examples, they help you pinpoint your child's unique learning patterns and the problems that interfere with learning, behavior, and achievement.
This information-packed book provides dozens of creative, parent-tested tools to help your child overcome difficulties with reading, math, handwriting, study skills, memorization, attention span, and many other problems that affect school success. With the help of Overcoming Underachieving, you can:
Learn proven methods of assessing your child's patterns of learning and behaving
Describe learning and behavior problems clearly to teachers and other educators
Develop strategies that use strengths to overcome weaknesses
Set goals your child really can achieve
Find out how to improve your child's behavior and self-esteem
Emotional support is important, but you can give your son or daughter even more. Find out how in Overcoming Underachieving.



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