出版社:書林 作者:袁敬祥 著 页数:106
《從閱讀精通片語:實用英語技巧系列(3)》書由資深英語科老師依據中級程度學生和一般人的需要而編寫。 適當選擇置於動詞、名詞或形容詞前後的介詞和質詞是很困難的。《從閱讀精通片語:實用英語技巧系列(3)》幫助讀者閱讀短文的同時,了解正確使用常用短語的方法。透過作者的分析、舉例說明,以及精心設計的練習,必能加速讀者掌握各類短語的結構和運用法則。
引言……短語簡介1.Definition of Success2.Fire Extinguishers3.Girls Should Have More Opportunities to Use Computers 4.Being on a Team5."We Preferred Our Way of Living."6.Theory of Natural Selection7.Pressure Groups8.Animals Are Our Friends9.Factors ofProduction10.Price and Supply - The Producer's View11.Inflation and Its Effects12.How a Microwave Oven Works13.Why Do Photographers Need Words?14.How Do People React to a Fire?15.The Nitrogen Cycle16.Advertising17.The Nature ofWaves18.Schooling in China19.Changing Jobs20.Leisure Time21.Gravitational Force22.Jane Addams - The American Woman Who Invented Social Work and Social Welfare23.Fireworks24.Junk Food25.MaterialismAnSWerS