出版时间:2012-07-01 出版社:書林出版有限公司 作者:蘇正隆 著 页数:127
The Gorgon s HeadThe Golden TouchPandora and the BoxPegasus, the Winged HorseAntaeus and the PygmiesThe Palace of CirceJason and the Golden FleeceVocabularyGlossaryUnderstanding What You ReadBackground/簡介
'I told you she would be the first to discover them!' said Quicksilver. Looking down, Perseus could see a small island with the sea breaking into white foam around its rocky shore. On one side there was a sandy beach. They flew down towards it. Then Perseus saw the Gorgons. Their fearful golden metal was shining in the moonlight. They were asleep, and they lay on the sand like giant dragonflies or huge beetles, with their brassy claws stretched out as if they were tearing a poor creature to pieces in their dreams. Yet there was something human about these terrible Gorgons, too. It was a horrible sight to see the snakes like hair on their heads, twisting and turning and putting out their poi-soned tongues. Luckily the heads of the Gorgons were turned away from Perseus, for if he had looked directly at their faces he would have fallen out of the air, turned to stone. 'Now is the time!' whispered Quicksilver. 'Be quick, for if one of the Gorgons wakes you are too later' 'Which is Medusa?' asked Perseus, drawing his sword and flying a little lower. 'All three look alike to me!' Medusa was the only one whose head could be cut off. The other two Gorgons had a far stronger covering of iron which never could be cut, not even with a magic sword. 'Be careful!' said the calm voice at his side. 'One of the Gorgons is moving in her sleep and going to turn over. That is Medusa. Remember not to look at her! Look at her reflection in the bright shield.' Now Perseus understood why he had been told to polish the shield. He looked into it and saw the Gorgon's face. It was the most fierce and terrible face that ever was seen. The hun-dred hissing snakes that twisted themselves over the forehead made it even more horrible. The eyes were closed, as Medusa still slept, but Perseus could see her tiger's tusks as she opened her mouth, and she spread her terrible brazen claws on the sand. 'Now- make a dash!' said Quicksilver. 'But be calm,' said the quiet voice. 'Look in your shield as you fly down, and take care that you do not miss with your first stroke.' Perseus flew downwards, keeping his eyes on Medusa's image in the shield. As he came closer to the monster, each horrible snake stretched out its head and Medusa awoke. But she awoke too late. The sword was very sharp and Perseus used it with the speed of a flash of lightning. ……
Wonder Tales from Greece by Margery Green Become invisible and fight the Gorgon Medusa with Perseus, fly through the air on the winged horse Pegasus,journey in search of the Golden Fleece with Jason and the Argonauts.This book offers you an easy way to enjoy the enchanting myths of ancient Greece. Macmillan is an international publisher that has built an enviable reputation for its excellent and trustworthy educational publications. The Macmillan Classic Readers series offers 15 classics of English literature by world renowned authors. Exposure to these works wfll allow the student/ reader to builcl a sound base in literary English and will act as a gateway to the world of c:lassic English literature, a world that is essential for understanding and interact-ing with contemporary western culture. The books are graded in three levels and provide: Vocabulary help in English and Chinese An "Understanding WhatYou Read" section An introduction to the text in Chinese Information on the authors Separate test sheets Enter the timeless world of the classicsand enjoy. Level A (1500-2000 words) 01 The Queen of Spades and Other Stories 02 WonderTales from Greece 03 The Return ofthe Native 04 Gulliver's Travels 05 Silas Marner Level B (2000-2500 words) 01 The Turn ofthe Screw 02 Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea 03 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 04 Robinson Crusoe 05 The Mayor of Casterbridge Level C (2500-3500 words) 01 Tess ofthe D'Urbervilles 02 Four Shakespeare Comedies 03 Three ShakespeareTragedies 04 David Copperfield 05 The Three Musketeers
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