出版时间:2005 出版社:典絃 作者:MALOOF,RICH李孟穎/蕭良悌/譯
原书名: New metal 吉他达人
作者: Rich maloof
语言: 繁体
页码: 80
出版日期: 2005
让你弹出Linkin Park的爆发力 让你看到Korn(Limp Bizkit)背后的故事 ..........
本书为台湾出版 语言为繁体 主要介绍新金属高手与其技巧 乐队包括Tool Rage Against the Machine Godflesh Nine Inch Nails Helmet Korn Limp Bizkit 附带CD
Chapter 1: Tool A Perfect Circle 13
Adam Jones of Tool 13
Billy Howerdel of A Perfect Circle 18
Chapter 2: Rage Against the Machine Audioslave P.O.D. 24
Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave 24
Marcos Curiel and Jason Truby of P.O.D. 30
Chapter 3: Godflesh Carcass 38
Justin Broadrick of Godflesh 38
Bill Steer of Carcass 43
Chapter 4: Nine Inch Nails / Trent Reznor 47
Chapter 5: Helmet / Page Hamilton 54
Chapter 6: Korn Limp Bizkit 61
Head and Munky of Korn 61
Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit 66
Chapter 7: Linkin Park / Brad Delson and Mike Shinoda 73