
出版时间:2011-9  作者:唐艺设计资讯集团有限公司  


《SS44.SKyScraper44摩天建筑(英文版)》内容简介:Archiworld Co., Ltd is an expert publisher specializing in architecture. Archiworldpublishes magazines, books and even reports for exterior/interior design, landscape and construction and strives to improve everything related to publication culture in Korea. Therefore, Archiworld introduces skyscrapers which draw public attention in the 21st century.
A skyscraper is an intensive building in which epoch-making technologies are generally combined with economy, society, culture and environment. In addition, it is a symbol ofa nation and a barometer of a country's economic development. Many nations are organizing differential cities with skyscrapers. Korea has a lot of ongoing projects for high-rise buildings and will be well known for them.
Archiworld Co., Ltd selects 44 skyscrapers in Korea and introduces plans on design competitions for skyscrapers all over the world in order to support the development of Korean architecture.



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