100 Superlative Rolex Watches (皮质)

出版时间:2008年10月  出版社:Damiani (2008年10月1日)  作者:John Goldberger  


Rolex worship extends also to a startlingly beautiful book, 100 Superlative Rolex Watches, a 265-page extravaganza of watch-adoration, lovingly hand-tooled in squishy leather and retailing at £99.99. It's almost the definition of a labour of love - page after page of Rolexes from the earliest days to the most recent, each photographed in freakishly precise close-up against a black background; the opposite page offers four smaller pictures of especially fine movements, luminous dials, characterful designs or special features (such as the extremely beautiful 18-carat gold watches with cloisonné enamel dials, made in the early 1950s at massive expense). The photographer is one John Goldberger, a vintage watch connoisseur for 25 years, who chooses to be photographed so that you can see only the back of his head. Very private people, these watch nuts. --John Walsh, The Independent, November 20, 2008



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