广告设计Holland Design New Graphics

出版时间:1899-12-30  出版社:Actar  作者:PRAT,RAMONSAKAMOTO,TOMOKO  


Description: The shocking new bestseller! Includes exclusive images by 23 teams! Looking like the kind of paperback tome available in the supermarket line--think Jackie Collins or Stephen King--Hd is a bang-up encyclopedic survey of young designers working in Holland. As the story goes: At the beginning of a new century, the creative potential of these young designers surges forth with all the energy granted them by promising futures. From the ashes of a century full of incognitos, feebleness, and superfluous rhetoric, a new style emerges with unstoppable force: do-it-yourself with a vengeance! Their names will surely pass into the annals of graphic design history, but remember you heard it here first: 75B, DEPT., Beng, Experimental Jetset, Roelof Mulder, Mieke Gerritzen, GM, Thonik, Annelys de Vet, Mooren & van der Velden, Studio Boot, Arjan Groot, Lonne Wennekendonk, Lust, Pingpong, Greet, Jop van Bennekom, Joes Koppers, Mevis & van Deursen, Coup, Lava, Stuart Bailey, ECBG, and hundreds more. Act now, before everyone's heard of them!




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