出版时间:2009-5 出版社:山东科学技术出版社 作者:金绳曾 编 页数:216
轻松过关五步曲: 第1步:确定考试要求的时间 第2步:统计个人答题耗时 第3步:根据各题型答题速度设定提高目标(每天做题N小时、每天练此题型N道、用完成题目数代替规定练习时间,更能提高水平)。 第4步:努力做题准确保证在70%以上!低于这个水平,说明您在答题过程中仍存在着重大不足! 第5步:在真题自测中踏实前进,步步提高,自信走向考场! 三个锦囊:1.平时坚持模拟训练,保持临场考试的状态;2.合理分配时间,不抢时间,稳稳打,简单题全收囊中,挑战题正常发挥;3.在许多题目中,有一些有趣不重要的信息,不要被它们误导,落入出题人的陷阱。
In the early 1450s cultural change in Europe fueled a grow-ing need for the rapid and cheap production of written docu-ments. Before this time, scribal monks hand-copied sacred textsfor centuries. But for the secular world began to develop and dis-tribute new forms of sacred texts,the scribes could not keep upthe demand. Johannes Gutenberg,a goldsmith and businessmanfrom southern Germany, foresees the profit-making potential for aprinting press that used movable metal type, and borrowed moneyto develop that we know now as the modern printing press. Hedeveloped his press by combing features of existed technologies:textile,papermaking and wine presses. Perhaps his most significant innovation, therefore, was theefficient molding and casting of movable metal type. Gutenbergdesigned a Latin print Bible which became his most famouswork. Despite of the dramatic success of his printing press, Gu-tenberg managed to default on a loan and lost his whole printingestablishment. His techniques were made publicly and his creditorwon the rights to the proceeds from the Gutenberg Bibles. In 1476, William Caxton set up Englands first printingpress. Caxton had been a prolific translator and found the printingpress to be a marvelousway to expand his mission of promotingunpopular literature, the innovation of the printing press ulti-mately influenced art, literature, philosophy and politics. Today,print is thought of as one of the markers of key historical shifts incommunication,creating a social and intellectual transform.
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