
出版时间:2006-4  出版社:第1版 (2006年4月1日)  作者:龚嵘  页数:436  




Unit 1 Thoughts on Love and Happiness爱与幸福的思考Unit 2 T,he Story of Fathers Day父亲节的故事Unit 3 Tell Mommy l L0ve Her告诉妈妈我爱她Unit 4 Sign Language手语Unit 5 Its Great to Be a Guy/Woman Because做男人/女人真棒,因为Unit 6 Colors and People颜色与人Unit 7 The Outside Chance千载难逢的机会Unit 8 Just a Little Smile只因为一个微笑Unit 9 Lighten Up放飞心情Unit 10 A Beautiful Dress美丽的裙子Unit 1 1 The World’s Biggest Family世界上最大的家庭Unit 12 Bill Gates MS.GM比尔-盖茨与通用汽车公司Unit 13 I’m Stupid!我真笨!Unit 14 Levels of Communication(1)交际面面观(1)Unit 15 Levels of Communication(11)交际面面观(2)Unit 16 What Is Cancer?什么是癌症?Unit 17 A Harder.Better Goodby’e更难却更好的永别Unit 18 Disability。___——My Experience with ALS残疾——我与ALS症Unit 19 Jim Davis.Creator of Gaffield、加菲猫的创造者吉姆·戴维斯Unit 20逍遥驿站Garfield Quotes加菲猫语录一Unit 21 Identity Crisis身份危机Unit 22 English Manners英国人的礼貌Unit 23 The Cats and Dogs Theory of Politics“猫狗”政治论Unit 24 Red Lake High School Shooting雷德湖高中校园枪击事件Unit 25 Michael Jackson:A life in the Spotlight麦克尔·杰克逊:聚光灯下的生活Unit 26 America—Home to Workaholics美国——工作狂之乡Unit 27 Living On-Campus VS.Off—Campus住学校宿舍还是在校外租房Unit 28 T0 Become a Leader at Your School如何成为校园领袖Unit 29 Harry Potter:Excellent or Evil?《哈利·波特》——卓越还是邪恶之作?Unit 30 Lying to a Loved One情人的谎言Unit 31 Imagination想像力Unit 32 What Is American Dream?什么是美国梦?Unit 33 Ig Nobel PrizeIg诺贝尔奖Unit 34 1 won’t Let Our Boy Go to University我不会让儿子上大学Unit 35 About Alzheimers Disease关于阿尔茨海默氏病Unit 36 Look 1 0 Years Younger without Surgery不靠整容手术年轻10岁Unit 37 Beauty Tips frOm Supermodel Cindy Crawford超级名模辛迪·克劳馥的靓丽诀窍Unit 38 Space Voyage for the Average Joe and Mary,普通人的太空行Unit 39 How Love Endures愿爱地久天长Unit 40逍遥驿站Wisdom Saying睿言智语Unit 41 A Boy Named Nkosi有个男孩名叫纳考西Unit 42 Understanding Aealousy透视妒嫉心理Unit 43 Handling Jealousy教你如何应对妒嫉Unit 44 Cash for Compliments现金购买恭维话Unit 45 Friendship in China and the West中式友谊与西式友谊Unit 46 Shopaholics of Our Times我们这个时代的购物狂Unit 47 Lessons frOm Geese大雁的启迪Unit 48 Internet Threatens Privacy互联网威胁个人隐私Unit 49 Book of Jeff Bezos杰夫·贝索斯生意经Unit 50 Face to Face with T0m Cruise与汤姆·克鲁斯面对面Unit 51 Understandina Dreams解梦Unit 52 The Loch Ness Monster尼斯湖水怪Unit 53‘UFO MysteryUFO之谜Unit 54 Bermuda Triangle——Devils Triangle百慕大三角区——魔鬼三角洲Unit 55 Whats In a Game?游戏有什么好玩的?Unit 56 Whats Wrong with American Idol?“美国偶像”怎么了?Unit 57 What Makes the Internet Attractive?因特网的魅力何在?Unit 58 The Origin of CarnivaI狂欢节的起源Unit 59 What I Learn frOm Them我从他们身上获益匪浅Unit 60 逍遥驿站Between Men and Women男女之间Unit 61 How Happy Are You?你快乐吗?Unit 62 Love Guide爱情指南Unit 63 The Concept of EQ情商之说Unit 64 Marriage Views of One-child Generation in China中国独生子女的婚姻观Unit 65 Sportsmanship体育精神Unit 66 Hidden Message behind a Childs Boredom孩子“无聊”背后的潜台词Unit 67 Your Gaze Makes YOU lrresistible你的眼神令你无可抵御Unit 68 Fashion Boos.Boos时尚误区Unit 69 Sunglass Mania都为“镜”狂Unit 70 Bungee——ust for the Thrill蹦极——玩的就是心跳Unit 71 Finding a Surrogate Mother,Is It a Good Cho ce?寻找代孕母亲——明智的选择? (288)Unit 72 The United States You May Not Know你所不了解的美国Unit 73 What Happened to the Word“Sex”?“Sex”这个词怎么了?Unit 74 Are You a Cosplayer?你是Cosplayer一族吗?Unit 75 French in English英语中的法语Unit 76 What Is Compulsive Overeating?何为强迫型过度饮食?Unit 77 George Mendonsa————the VJ Day Sailor乔治·曼多沙——日本投降“二战”胜利日水手Unit 78 The Senior Prom——————Adulthood Ceremony高中生舞会:成年仪式Unit 79 Confronting Stress直面压力Unit 80逍遥驿站As Kids Say It童言无忌Unit 81 Asian Interest in Korean Pop、Culture“韩流”来袭Unit 82 Get Some Sleep?怎样应对失眠?Unit 83 Giris Want to Stay at Home?女性回归家庭?Unit 84 Mobile Culture on Campus校园里的手机文化Unit 85 How Smart Is Your Pet?你的宠物有多聪明?”Unit 86 What Happened on Flight 93 793次航班上发生了什么?Unit 87 American Studentssense of Freedom美国大学生的自由观Unit 88 Siamese Twins连体婴儿Unit 89 Theres No Tipping in China拒绝小费的中国Unit 90 The Secrets of Happiness幸福的秘密Unit 91 Antarctica,Is It the Last Pure Land?南极洲还是最后一片净土吗?Unit 92 Four Wives人有四妻Unit 93 Send in the CIones,Waiter服务员,来份克隆牛肉!Unit 94 US Presidents and Chinese Chopsticks.美国总统和中国筷子Unit 95 NBA—Palace for Basketball PlayersNBA——篮球运动员的宫殿Unit 96 American Attitude——Defying Authority美国心态——藐视权威Unit 97 Personality Tests for Job Hunting求职中的性格测试Unit 98 Wild Pigs野猪Unit 99 Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?行动真的胜过言语吗?Unit 100逍遥驿站No Way To Win想赢没门附录单词索引






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