
出版社:山东电子音  作者:马德高  页数:432  


辅导大全:    本书编写严谨、体例新颖、融科学性、实用性于一体。紧扣教材、紧贴大纲,课文分析细致入微,栏目设置系统全面:文化背景阅读指导、文章风格分析鉴赏、核心词汇短语学习、长难例句框架剖析、课后习题答案详解、主题作文精彩示范、四、六级历年真题实战演练,让您学好课文的同时增进知识,拓展能力,同步完成四、六级备考。    速记指南:    本书运用风靡全国的星火式记忆法,巧记课文中出现的高频真题词汇及核心词汇,并在真题词汇下标注历年真题中出现的次数。解释详略得当,难点、重点突出,且配有精美图片及大量经典例句,使单词记忆更加轻松自如。    课后答案:    本书对“学生用书”的课后习题给出了权威、详尽的答案,并对习题进行讲解,处处从学生的知识薄弱点进行点拔,真正指点迷律,鱼渔兼授。


Unit1 Love  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit2 Communication Problems  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit3 Born to Win  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit4 Psychology in Our Daily Life  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit5 Dreams  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit6 Food  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit7 Culture  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit8 Money  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit9 Shopping  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试Unit10 Emotions and Health  Part One Preparation  Part Two Reading-Centere Activites  Part Three Further Development  Part Four Writing and Translation  同步随堂测试



用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   词汇讲解的不错,但课文的讲解就太少了
  •   词汇讲得不错,练习也不错

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