出版时间:2007-1 出版社:山东电子音像出版社 作者:贾童 页数:372
《大学英语6级考试巅峰训练》是星火英语考试改革命题研究组专家为六级考生编写的针对新题型的考前冲刺使用的“一本通”型的参考书。 命题研究组由一批知名的一线教师专家组成,他们来自包括上海交通大学、北京大学等知名高校,有着丰富的教学与考试辅导经验,对历年真题有深入的研究,对新题型的命题趋势有良好的把握。通过对全国各大城市多所高校考生的调查分析,通过对数千份有效问卷的总结,命题研究组发现考生不是缺少通过六级考试的能力而是缺少科学地学习、记忆和复习的方法,对此命题研究组的专家在本书中融人了图表式记忆的方法和“巅峰式优化设计学习方案”,相信对广大考生的学习一定会有很大的帮助。 本书特色一、技巧点拨,图文并茂本书针对大学英语六级考试命题者的各种命题手段和规律,总结常考题型、出题思路和答题技巧,并且辅以图表的形式展示知识要点和知识体系的框架,再由“思维导图解读”板块用文字进行具体的解说。让读者看到编者梳理信息和运用信息解决问题的思路,学会用快捷的方式梳理、记忆和运用知识。例如:二、学练结合,解析详尽本书在对每一个题型进行了答题技巧的讲解后,配有大量练习题供考生进行有针对性的练习。这些练习题与真题相比,不仅难度吻合,考查形式类似,而且全面覆盖考点。解析部分详细讲解出题思路、答题要点、设题陷阱、避错要点、听音关键、答案重构、技巧点拨等等,不仅让您知其然,更让您知其所以然。让您通过一套题的练习,学会十套题的答题方法和技巧,同时英语水平在短时间内有一个突飞猛进的提升。 三、板块丰富,内容实用 为方便考生真正学好本书,根据不同内容设置了不同栏目:“专家支招”、“名师点评”中特别邀请六级名师详细讲解答题思路并对写作范文——进行点评,完全破解行文技巧;“举一反三”给出写作中同一个句子的不同说法,让您学一隅而知全局;“参考译文”给出阅读理解的全文翻译,帮您加深对阅读材料的理解,在以后的答题中从容不迫,游刃有余;“划线点评”划出听力原文及阅读材料参考译文中题目的出处。一线锁定答案出处,直观清晰显示题目考点与答题要点。 四、机考题型.权威解读 大学英语四、六级考试进入了机考新时代,将大学英语改革推向新的高潮。2008年12月21日,中国教育部对全国54所高校的近千名学生进行了大学英语四、六级计算机考试,相信在不久的将来机考将普及到所有的高校。为了满足莘莘学子对机考信息的需求,星火英语大学英语四、六级命题组专家在预热篇对机考题型进行了详细的解读,以方便即将参加机考和对机考感兴趣的学生了解最新的机考动态。
星火命题研究组关注不同水平的考生,分梯度精解考试重点与难点,给予水平各异的考生一对一的针对性辅导。 上海交大名师点拨命题规律,总结常考题型,并且用思维导图的形式展现,让考生学会用快捷的方式梳理、记忆和运用知识。 名师辅导与专项练习结合,详尽的解析,让您通过一套题的练习,掌握十套题的解题技巧。 超大题量,权威预测,不是真题胜似真题,让您体会临场考试的感觉。 星火英语独家推出网考模拟系统,同时赠送2套网考预测试题。 全国首家推出710分制算分器,输入正确题数即可轻松算出得分。
预热篇 新题型介绍及网考说明 第一节 题型简介 第二节 网考说明第一篇 写作——妙笔生花有高招 第一章 稳拿六级480分——基础知识各个击破 第一节 六级作文评分原则及对策 第二节 经典作文句型 第三节 五步作文法 第四节 常考作文类型 第二章 突破六级550分——技巧方法胜券在握 第一节 高分作文训练方法 第二节 漂亮句子写作技巧 第三节 段落发展技巧 第四节 逻辑组织技巧 第五节 作文常见问题分析 第三章 挑战六级630分——范文背诵百战百胜 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12第二篇 快速阅读理解——争分夺秒是关键 第一章 稳拿六级480分——基础知识各个击破 第一节 命题研究及对策 第二节 考点突破专项训练 第三节 名校名师点评 第二章 突破六级550分——技巧方法胜券在握 第一节 征服快速阅读专家支招 第二节 精选真题分步突破 ……第三篇 听力理解——借只慧耳练听力第四篇 短句问答——有问有答有锦囊第五篇 篇章阅读理解——细致有心取高分第六篇 改错——有错必改需慧眼第七篇 完形填空——完璧归赵靠技巧第八篇 翻译——准确翻译有绝招第九篇 710分考前大预测——笑傲六级巅峰对决
News that police in Leeds are looking for an American in their search for the man who murdered one of theircolleagues on Boxing Day fits with the way that gun crime has changed over the past decade. The pattern of of-fences involving guns looks more and more like that in America: random, careless shootings have replaced thecarefully-planned bank robberies of old. Improvements in technology such as tracking devices, hidden cameras have hardened banks, vans and othertraditionally lucrative targets so much that pulling on a mask scarcely seems worthwhile. Thisyear, England and Wales saw just 250 bank and building society robberies——down from 1 400 in 2001. Thesedays, most armed robberies take place on the streets and in shops. In this new environment, old tools and tech-niques are of little use. Sazvn-off shotguns are handy for robbing banks, mostly for reasons ofpresentation: they make a terrific noise when fired at the ceiling or floor, and are menacing enough to project athreat through bulletproof glass. They are less useful for robbing todays "soft" targets, though, so they havemostly been discarded. Sawn-off shotguns were used in just 201 robberies last year——a third the figure of a dec-ade ago——while almost were done with handguns. Roger Matthews, professor of criminology at Middlesex University, says that armed robbery isbecoming Americanized, both in the sense that Britain is moving towards late-night convenience store robberies,and also in the sense that anyone can do it. The rise of unskilled robbery——criminals with guns and no previousexperience——is bad news for shop workers, who are less well trained in dealing with guns than are bank tellers;it is also bad for the police, who tend to find ill-thought-out crimes harder to solve than planned ones. For the most part, old dogs disdain the new tricks. Officers in the Flying Squad——the arm of the LondonMetropolitan Police that deals with armed robbery——say that professional robbers tend to follow defined tracks.Betting shop specialists will rarely rob post offices, for example. With their chosen targets now out of reach, most of the men who terrified Britains cities in the 1980s havesimply left the business. But not all have gone clean. To repeat Willie Sutton, a legendary American robber,people used to hold up banks because thats where the money was. These days it is in the international drugstrade, so they gave up robbing. This trade is where many of the old-timers have gone.1. Which of the following is true about the gun murder on Boxing Day? A) It is a well-organized deliberate robbery. B) It is a careless shooting without any planning. C) It is a gun crime carried out in traditional way. D) It is a gun crime involving very advanced guns.2. Why do criminals give up robbing the traditionally lucrative places? A) Old tools and techniques used by criminals are useless in these places now. B) Modern guns cannot make a terrific noise to menace people in these places. C) Modern devices and technological improvement protect these places. D) Robbing these places is not so profitable and worthwhile as before.3. In what way armed robberies are Americanized in Britain? A) Handguns instead of sbotguias are used in armed robberies. B) Convenience stores become the targets at night and the criminals are not professional. C) British police find it is very difficult to crack the crime as American police. D) There is a sharp rise of robberies committed by Americans in Britain.4. What does the author mean by saying "old dogs disdain the new tricks"(Line 1, Para. 4)? ……
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