新题型 大学英语6级考试易考范文背诵100篇

出版时间:2010-8  出版社:齐鲁电子音像出版社  作者:庄蔚 编  页数:262  字数:250000  


  众所周知,冰冻三尺非一日之寒,提高写作水平也非一朝一夕之事。然而,面对繁重的课业压力以及严峻的就业形势,考生没有太多的时间可以花费在练习写作上,但为了顺利通过考试,考生们需要寻找一条终南捷径,以便在最短的时间内获得最高的分数。  目前,图书市场上的大学英语六级考试作文辅导书数量众多,纷繁复杂,有的介绍遣词造句,有的讲解文章架构,有的传授写作技巧,也有的着重评改仿写。但对应试,很多作文书都不尽如人意,很难助考生一臂之力。更有甚者,有的书打着大学英语考试的招牌,所提供的范文却只是一些美文,对于考生应试写作的借鉴价值微乎其微,对考生作文水平的提高也令人质疑。  本书属于范文背诵类作文辅导书,每篇范文都紧扣大学英语六级考试大纲要求来设置,每篇范文都严格按照命题提纲来编写,所选话题都是在分析了历年真题的基础上选定。本书既可以作为临考应急背诵范文,也可以作为平时练习写作的辅导书。  本书包括两章,第一章对近几年的考试真题进行归纳、分析、总结,然后对未来的命题趋势做了合理的预测;第二章提供100篇临考背诵范文,完全模拟六级考试作文真题的出题形式,每一篇范文都出自名师之手,所选话题都是在未来考试中极有可能考到的题目。另外,本书的附录中,还提供了100句精彩表达及大量的写作高频短语,以供考生复习、品味。




第一章 六级作文全解全析 第一节 六级作文评析  一、考试大纲要求  二、评分原则与评分标准  三、历年真题回顾  四、历年真题透析 第二节 命题分析与写作策略  一、命题趋势分析  二、写作献计献策第二章 六级作文临阵背诵 第一节 缤纷校园类  Topic 1 New Trend of Graduates’Homebound Wave  Topic 2 Read Intensively or Extensively?  Topic 3 Should College Students Pursue Famous Brands?  Topic 4 From“I”to“We”  Topic 5 The Significance of Volunteer Services  Topic 6 Should College Students Open E-shops?  Topic 7 How to Enhance College Students'Self-cultivation?  Topic 8 On Students’Information Retrieval Skills  Topic 9 My View Oil Postgraduate Craze  Topic 10 On Job—hunting Priorities  Topic 11 Who Should Be Our Superstat:s?  Topic 12 On College Students’Interpersonal Relationship  Topic 13 The Purpose ofCollege Education  Topic 14 On College Students’Joining the Army  Topic 15 Integrate Chinese Culture into College Education  Topic 16 My View on Wide-spreading SMS  Topic 17 Relationship Between Major and Future Job  Topic 18 More Multimedia-aided Teaching or Not?  Topic 19 Online Courses  Topic 20 My View on College Students' Quitting School  Topic 21 On a Second Suburban Campus of a University  Topic 22 My View on Campus Violence  Topic 23 Peking Opera as a Compulsory Course?  Topic 24 My View on the Student Loan System   Topic 25 Widespread Extravagant Spending on Campus  Topic 26 Should College Marriage Be Permitted?  Topic 27 On Students' Evaluation of Teachers  Topic 28 Cherish Every Minute on Campus  Topic 29 The Necessity of Examination  Topic 30 Social Practice for College Students 第二节 絢丽社会类  Topic 31 On Network Real-name System  Topic 32 My View on Social Networking Sites  Topic 33 Should Stars Have Their Privacy?  Topic 34 What Can the Severe Drought Teach Us?  Topic 35 Should China Loosen Its One-child Policy?  Topic 36 Real-name Train-Ticket  Topic 37 Should Drunk Driving Be Severely Punished?  Topic 38 Why Do Diseases Hit More and More Young People?  Topic 39 Impact of the World Expo  Topic 40 On the Restriction of the Use of English Acronyms  Topic 41 My View on China's College Education  Topic 42 My View on Confusing Sexuality  Topic 43 My View on School Security  Topic 44 Increasing Attention to Traditional Culture  Topic 45 Should Children Use Internet as Early as Possible?  Topic 46 Network of Public Opinion:Positive or Negative?  Topic 47 On Building Villas by Reclaiming Land from Lake  Topic 48 My View on Public Health  Topic 49 Traffic Restrictions and Environment Protection  Topic 50 Left-behind Children in the Countryside  Topic 51 My View on "NEET"  Topic 52 Certificate  Topic 53 Metropolis or Small Town?  Topic 54 Copycat Age  Topic 55 On Foreigners' Learning Chinese  Topic 56 My View on Keeping Pets  Topic 57 Credit  Topic 58 Secondhand Goods Transaction  Topic 59 Intemet and Privacy  Topic 60 My View on "Moonlite"  Topic 61 Civil Servant Frenzy  Topic 62 My View on Changes of National Public Holidays  Topic 63 On College Students Supporting Rural Construction  Topic 64 On Aging Population  Topic 65 Space Exploration  Topic 66 The Effects of the Economic Crisis  Topic 67 To Buy a House or Not?  Topic 68 Beauty Matters?  Topic 69 On Television Reality Shows  Topic 70 Daydreaming  Topic 71 The Negative Effects of Plagiarism  Topic 72 Stock Hot  第三节 应用书信类  Topic 73 A Letter of Complaint  Topic 74 A Letter of Sympathy  Topic 75 An Open Letter  Topic 76 A Letter for Missing Deadline  Topic 77 A Letter of Declination  Topic 78 A Letter of Consolation  Topic 79 A Letter to Apply for the Scholarship  Topic 80 An Application Letter to Serve As a Teaching Volunteer  Topic 81 A Poster on Safety  Topic 82 A Letter to the HR Manager  Topic 83 A Letter to the Manager  Topic 84 A Recruiting Poster  Topic 85 A Poster Calling on Donation   Topic 86 A Letter to the Manager of a Supermarket  Topic 87 Apartment Wanted  Topic 88 A Letter to the University President  Topic 89 A Letter of Enquiry  Topic 90 A Letter of Application to Be the Volunteer  Topic 91 A Letter of Complaint about the Noise Pollutior  Topic 92 A Letter of Application for the Post of Secretary  Topic 93 A Letter to a Friend Asking for Suggestions  Topic 94 A Letter of Invitation  Topic 95 A Letter to a Schoolmate 第四节 图表作文类  Topic 96 Credit Cards on College Campus  Topic 97 People's Use of the Intemet  Topic 98 Software Use in a Certain Region  Topic 99 Floating Population of Eleven Provincial Regions  Topic 100 Marriage and Divorce in Our Country附录Ⅰ 六级写作必备佳句附录Ⅱ 六级写作高频短语


  其它版本请见:《星火-2011(下)大学英语6级考试易考范文背诵100篇(含光盘1张)》  风靡全国 畅销十年 8000万读者的选择  星火英语连续多年命中真题作文  易考话题,热点考点全面覆盖  美文佳译,词句亮点悉数提炼  句型拓展,快速掌握百变表达  全文录音,字幕同步轻松背诵



    新题型 大学英语6级考试易考范文背诵100篇 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计18条)


  •   喜欢它有一个胶套包着,挺好的!六级作文也够用了!
  •   短文适合背诵,好的语句都用的不同颜色字体,后面带着翻译,每篇短文还标出了5得分亮点,后面还有好的句子,很不错的
  •   很好的一本书!里面的内容很充实,而且很有针对性,对于作文不是很好的人来说真的是很值得一看。封面漂亮,而且还附有录音碟片,碟片里面还有一些温馨提示,真的是让人倍感温暖。
  •   各种题材,适合背诵
  •   背了一些句子,考试的时候用得上
  •   挺不错的一本书,看了很多遍,很喜欢的一本书,太值得一看了
  •   这本书是帮朋友买的,朋友挺喜欢的
  •   帮朋友买的,收到后,她说内容很好,纸质不错!
  •   居然是有塑胶纸在外面的,很感动~内容也很好
  •   有一个塑料皮,很精致,也便于携带
  •   英语作文书,应试用的,不过有些缺憾,指导性的东西很少,里面的句型不错。
  •   不错,有助于提高新概念。
  •   不错,努力中
  •   一本好书,绝对有用
  •   喜欢~很有用啊,要买~
  •   王长喜老师的经典作文范文,考试前参考,很有用
  •   备战六级用,属于那种里面全是字的书
  •   不喜欢有个胶套包着,形象工程!!多个胶套多几块钱。。。如果是作为临考半个月的抱佛脚工具的话,建议买50篇的就好,很便宜又薄,携带方便,看起来轻巧没负担。不像这本100篇,里面字符间距挺大的,看起来是舒服了但纸张又花多了价钱自然就涨了

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