
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:齐鲁电子音像出版社  作者:马德高 编  页数:204  字数:400000  




  Key to Model Test One  Key to Model Test Two   Key to Model Test Three  Key to Model Test Four   Key to Model Test Five   Key to Model Test Six   Key to Model Test Seven  Key to Model Test Eight  Key to Model Test Nine   Key to Model Test Ten


  Step 1  Decide what you want to relate to your audience. Remember that lecturing is telling thepeople what they are going to see, showing it to them and explaining what they just saw,along with allowing discoveries to make along the way.  Step 2  Prepare your opening point form in advance. Concisely state the topic, issue orproblem that forms the subject of your talk. Then prepare an outline with the informationyou will discuss and include supporting data {or all your sub-points. Prepare your [inal over-head statement list, which should contain no more than four points that you want the audi-ence to remember. I{ you are doing your job right, the middle sections should relate to youropening segment and support your final conclusions.  Step 3  Practice the lecture for timing. If your practice takes 45 minutes, and you have thatamount of time to talk, shorten the presentation to 30 or 35 minutes. Prepare some emotionally-driven material relevant to the lecture 'material and insert it. Move the audience emotionallywith humor or sentiment, and they Will open up their ears to what you have to say.


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