
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:西北工业大学音像电子出版社  作者:刘蔚铭 编  页数:132  字数:182000  


《大学英语听力应用教程》共分4册,每册16个单元,每单元均由Warmin9—up Activity、Short Conversations、Long Conversations、Passages、Compound Dictation及Story Appreciation组成。形式活泼多样而且与全国大学英语水平测试四级的形式相吻合,内容涉及日常生活和社交活动的各个方面,不仅有助于提高学生的听力技能,也有益于提高学生的英语交际能力。    本套教程适合高等院校非英语专业一、二年级学生作为大学英语听力教材,也可作为广大英语学习爱好者练习听力的参考资料。


Unit 1 Values and Money  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 2 Bird Flu  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 3 Changes in Family  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 4 The Oldest Weapons  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 5 The Future Life  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 6 Waste Recycling  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 7 Eating Experiences  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 8 Workaholics  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 9 Ten Pounds  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 10 Running  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 11 The Requirements in My Class  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 12 Children Adoption  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 13 Famine in Ethiopia  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 14 The Teacher Shortage  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 15 Women's Changing Social Status  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story AppreciationUnit 16 Hurricane Forcast  Part One Warming-up Activity  Part Two Conversations  Part Three passages  Part Four Compound Dictation  Part Five Story Appreciation附录 大学英语四、六级考试导学指南



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