
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:世图音像  作者:王长喜 总主编,屈小莉 主编  页数:240  




Key to Model Test OneKey to Model Test TwoKey to Model Test ThreeKey to Model Test FourKey to Model Test FiveKey to Model Test SixKey to Model Test SevenKey to Model Test Eight


  All the recent news on AIDS is bad. The death of Rock Rudson last year raised public concern about the epidemic almost to the point of panic. But that reaction subsided for a time as people were reassured about the reliability of new tests for donated blood and the improbabilitv of contracting the disease casually. Now general concern is focused not So much on personal risk——most cases continue to occur in the high. risk groups of male homosexuals and:drug addicts——but on the growing realization that this disease is having a deep impact on our society in a number of ways.  It is absorbing financial and other resources. AIDS Patients require long term care in hospitals and outpatient facilities and the health care systems in such cities as New York and San Francisco are not prepared to handle the demand. Bellevue,a large and respected municipal hospital in New York. devotes one out of every four beds in its department of medicine to AIDS patients. Most are hospitalized for months。and few have any private insurance. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta estimates that hospital expenditures for the first 10.000 AIDS patients(there are now more than 16.000)were about$1.4 billion. The total economic cost to the nation of this group of cases is estimated to come to$6 billion in health care disability and lost productivity.  Pnvate insurers were unprepared for the crisis since the invariably fatal disease hits primarily young people. Ninety percent of the victims are between 20 and 49 years old. It is becoming increasingly difficult for those in high-risk groups to get health and life assurance,and in the absence of private coverage,public funds must be used. In addition。many of the victims are,for all practical purposes,homeless,rejected by disapproving or frightened friends and family,without employment,and in need of emotional and psychological suppo. It must be given.






    2011王长喜专4考试标准预测试卷 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计21条)


  •   讲解详细,还赠送有常考语法,新闻词汇,20篇预测作文,十分喜欢~~题目讲解非常的精彩明白~~
  •   试卷对于一些考级的学者还是有用的,讲解明确,各个击破,对平时练习和考试都有帮助!
  •   真的特别好 太爱当当了。。
  •   东西不错,一直比较信赖,王长喜主编的
  •   对专四考试挺有帮助的,不错
  •   除了外壳破了,其他的都挺好的。
  •   应该是正版的吧!
  •   书我很满意,很喜欢
  •   做了两套了,感觉不错,就是阅读没有全文翻译,看的时候有点累
  •   可以按照计划进行。不错
  •   挺好的。就是听力音质有点差别
  •   里面的内容还行
  •   书不错的呀!但是那个透明的袋子坏的很离谱,还好里面的盘还在,不然就郁闷了。总体来说不错的!!
  •   实用....
  •   很不错,内容很广,对专四考试又用!
  •   王长喜的CET4,6级还可以 但专四貌似有些不太理想 听力过简单,阅读理解过难,拿来练阅读速度还行吧
  •   好像光盘坏了
  •   好像是拼凑的...
  •   体的质量暂且不说 买了两本就有一些小毛病了 书里有虫子~~~袋子坏了还有两页破了 光盘沙沙的刺耳声 不过总体不错 希望下次发货时注意一下好了~~~ 题真的不错哦~~
  •   主要是为了找专四的练习题的,
  •   袋子有些破了。。。但是内容还好。。有作文的范文什么的。。。

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