
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:吴中伟 主编  


Contemporary Chinese is a set of CD-ROMs designed for those students who are learning Chinese.The ultimate goal of this CD-ROM is to develop the student's ability to comprehend and communicate in the Chinese language.Specifically,it provides training in listening.speaking,reading,and writing Chinese.    This CD-ROM:    is used in PC of Pentium III(or above),the dition of windows98(or above)    is concise,practical authentic and covers a wide variety of topics    is adaptable to the varied needs of different students     gives equal attention to listening,speaking reading and writing    guides your learning step by step    This CD-ROM includes:    Text vocabulary,sentence patterns,grammar,phonetics,and cultural notes.    Characters:Relevant information about each Chinese character is given,including definitions,pronunciation,word usage,and stroke order.Various kinds of exercises are also included to practice reading and writing of each character.    Exercises:These exercises are comprehensive and vary in form covering listening,speaking reading and writing.    Video:There are interactive videos,which accompany each lesson.These videos are provided to offer a visual learning experience,which allows students to lern outside the written text.



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