出版时间:2008-1 出版社:原子能出版社 作者:王迈迈 页数:176 字数:380000
The January fashion show,called FutureFashion,exemplified how far green design has come.Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge,the show inspired many top designers to work with sustainablefabrics for the first time.Several have since made pledges to include organic fabrics in their lines. The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges.Scott Hahn,cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loomstate,which uses all-organic cotton,says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to find.“Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren’t comparable fabricsthat can just replace what you re doing and what your customers are used to,”he says.For example,or-ganic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtually indistinguishable once woven into a dress.But some pop-ular synthetics,like stretch nylon,still have few eco-friendly equivalents. Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support.Last year the influential trade show Designers&Agents stopped char~ng its participation fee for young green’entrepreneurs(企业家)who attend its two springtime shows in Los Angeles and New York and gave special recognition to design-ers whose collections are at least 25%sustainable.It now counts more than 50 green designers,Up from fewer than a dozen two years ago.This week Wal-Mart is set to announce a major initiative aimed at help-ing cotton farmers go organic:it will buy transitional(过渡型的)cotton at higher prices,thus helping to expand the supply of a key sustainable material.“Mainstream is about to Occur,”says Hahn.
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