
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:湖北音像艺术出版社  作者:刘文俊 编,陈创艺 编,陈光学 编  页数:176  


  “全国英语等级考试”(Public English Test System,简称PETS),是经中华人民共和国教育部(简称教育部,下同)批准,由教育部考试中心设计、开发的,面向社会以全体公民为对象的开放型的非学历性考试。其特点是:第一,它是一个覆盖不同层次需要的、拥有五个级别的目标参照性考试体系,可对不同类型、不同水平考生的英语水平进行可靠的横向比较。考生不受职业、年龄和学历背景等方面条件的限制,可以根据自身英语学习的实际情况报考相应的级别。第二,运用各种考查手段,能确保全面考察考生听、说、读、写的语言交际能力,尤其是对听、说方面的考查较杰完善。第三,能科学界定各种考查要求的关系,在同一能力量表的基础上合理设置各级考生的评价标准并给出详尽说明。今后,这一考试将逐步改造高考、研究生入学考试、大学英语四、六级考试和其他各类行业内部英语考试,替代出国人员留学考试(EPT)、自考公共课程英语和中等职业学校英语等级考试,同时为干部的英语培训、考核及劳动用工提供可靠、科学的依据。第四,与其他类型的英语考试相比,全国英语等级考试具有较高的信度和效度。采用了现代化的考试技术耗手段,能确保相同级别不同考次之间考生成绩的等值,使考试成绩更为科学、公平、准确。




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  A. twenty three hundred  B. thirteen hundred  C. over three thousand  D. less than two thousand  61. The whole exchangr programme is mainly to __.  A. help teenagers in other countries know the real America  B. send students in America to travel in Germany  C. let students learn something about other countries  D. have teenagers learn new languages62. What is particular in American schools is that  A. there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings  B. there are a lot of after- school activities  C. students usually take fourteen subjects in all  D. students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car63. After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought __.  A. a better education should include something good from both America and Germany  B. German schools trained students to be better citizens  C. American schools were not as good as German schools  D. the easy life in the American school was more helpful to students  C  Perhaps the biggest difference is the growth of computers. Computers can think, can remember, can calculate faster than any human brain. A computer can hold more than a million facts in its memory. There are computers that are so big that they would fill this entire auditorium (礼堂) with machinery. Businesses and banks are now managed by computers. If you work in America, you would receive your marks on a little printout from the computer, not from your teachers. In America we pay bills. We have to pay for our childrens university study by a computer and I pay the computer who then writes me another letter to say :"Thank you for your payment. You now own such and such amount."This is not even seen by a human being. It is all between me and the computer. However, if a computer makes a mistake, that wont help you.If a computer makes a mistake about one of you, it is terribly difficult to correct that mistake. And sometimes a computer does make a mistake that is never learned by another computer and the same mistake will go into other computers. And it becomes terribly difficult for one single person to correct a mistake ~hat has been made. So in many ways people have be-come the servant of computers who are bigger and cleverer than they are. Of course, computers speed up every operation because computers immediately record, remember facts and produce new information that combines with these facts. It makes science possible. Modern science would not be possible without the computers to do the calculations.  64."You now own such and such amount" means  A. you have made a big sum of money  B. you have got a lot of computers  C. you are told how much money belongs to you  D. the computer cost your money  65. If a computer makes a mistake, __.  A. another computer can correct this mistake  B. one person can easily correct this mistake  C. other computers will make the same mistake  D. other persons will make the same mistake  66. As said in the text, why have computers become the master of people?  A. Computers are as big and clever as people.  B. Computers are bigger and cleverer than people.  C. People are bigger and cleverer than computers.  I) Computers have learned how to control human beings.  67. Whats the main idea of this passage?  A. Computers play the most important roles in modern science and technology.  B. People play the most important role in the new age of science and technology.  C. Computers are widely used in American dally life.  D. People have changed computers greatly.


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