出版时间:2008-1 出版社:中山大学音像出版社 作者:潘晓燕 主编 页数:108 字数:760000
屡次命中:上海效能大学既是CET考试中心的所在地,又是CET考试的阅卷中心。本卷编者都是上海效能大学外语教育第一线的精英老师,具有多年阅卷经验老师,具有多年阅卷经验,掌握第一手的信息。 华研外语曾9次命中CET4真题作文、7次命中CET-6真题作文,以及4级听力长对话等!网上点击率超过千万的“4、6级作文锦囊16篇”就是本卷的经典之作。 讲解详尽 全文翻译;阅读理解均配优美译文,方便考生深入学习! 划线点评;给解题关键句标注下划线、传授考生迅速“定位”关键句的技巧。 化繁为简;把笔墨“聚集”在区分难点和强干扰项上,杜绝“其他选项均不符合题意”之类的连篇废话。 画龙点睛;概括包括命题规律和应试技巧,帮助考生由一道是学会解决一类题。
The euro zone, which has adopted the euro as its sole legal currency, is now 15 memberslarge and has a combined population of around 320 million. However, many more people aredirectly affected by the euro, from would-be members whose currencies are already nailed to it, tocountries like Montenegro and Kosovo whose effective national currency is the euro. Francesformer African colonies also nail their common currency to Europes. That means around 500million people rely on the euro or euro-nailed currencies. The euros tenth anniversary will see the euro zone take on a 16th member, Slovakia. Afurther eight other central and eastern European countries have set themselves the goal of joiningwithin the next six years, including Poland, whose political establishment dropped its longtimeopposition after a recent run on the Polish zloty (the basic unit of money in Poland). Theeuro has found some other unexpected converts, too, thanks to the financial crisis. The Danesvoted against joining the euro zone in 2000, but they are set to hold another referendum inMarch. Iceland——-not even an E.U. member——is pondering "unilateral euroization" after seeing its krona plunge nearly 80% against the euro between September and October. And the biggest prize of all, Britain, is said to be warming to the euro. Barroso recentlyclaimed that London is "closer than ever before" to euro zone entry and that "the people whomatter in Britain" think it should join. That may be overstating things a bit, but a report byresearch group Chatham House warns that as the euro zone grows, the U.K. risks being excludedfrom "deeper intra-E.U. economic consultation and coordination, including in areas ofsignificant national interest, such as financial market regulation." It doesnt help that the pound is losing its energy. Two years ago, one euro was worth just0.65. Now, humbled by bank crashes, government aids and a collapsing housing market that hasforced massive interest rate cuts, Europes currency is within a pence or two of difference fromthe pound. "The debate has changed from a total fantasy in the U.K.," says Jean Pisani-Ferry,director of Brussels-based think tank Bruegel. "The political obstacles still remain strong, but ithas changed the perception of the U.K. as the perfect system."
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