出版时间:2012-4 出版社:广州外语音像出版社 作者:胡得钢 页数:156
我们听语言的过程是一个通过耳朵接收声音信号,进而反馈回大脑进行分析整理的过程。我们都足天生的听音高手。我们必须做倾听的高手,因为我们都能够运用自己的母语流利和有效地进行口头交流。既然我们能学好母语,那么,我们也完全有能力将英语的听说技能掌握好。 你有没有这样问过自己:“我是怎样学习自己的母语的?”事实上,我们从来没有真正地去“学习”过,我们只是在生活中听着、听着、不断地听,然后我们就能听懂、进而能说出自己的母语来了。当我们还是两三岁的孩子时,我们就开始能比较流利地说出自己的母语。最初的时候是几个词,而不是一个完整的句子。但说着说着,很快地,连想也没有想这个问题的时候我们就取得了飞速的进步。学会说自己的母语的这一过程就像变魔术一样。
Part One Close(真空)疯狂理论疯狂听力实战练习Part Two Dictation(听写)疯狂理论疯狂听力实战练习Part Four Multiple Choice(选择题)疯狂理论疯狂听力实战练习Part Five True/False Statements(判断题)疯狂理论疯狂听力实战练习Part Six Retelling(复述)疯狂理论疯狂听力实战练习疯狂听力实战练习录音材料第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分第五部分第六部分
Last year,I talked about the Digital Decade,and this is the idea thatbetween the year 2000 and 2009,all these scenarios,that are just at theirbeginning,will become common place.That is,that the advances in chipsand connectivity,and the devices themselves will make so many things common sense to be done in digital form,whether its sending a phone bill to a company,whether its analyzing sales results or taking notes,organizing your music,sharing your family memories with other people.During the course of this decade,thereS a lot of hard work to be done to build thefoundation for that.Deep architecture,new tools,many of these requiringliterally tens of billions of dollars to be spent,and collaboration across literally thousands of companies.And I say that this is the task that were all engaged in. During the course of the Digital Decade,well think about personal computing in a different way.Its not just sitting in front of that desktop PC.ThatS very important,but thatS just a piece of what well do.After all,the magic of the chip that brings intelligence and the magic of software are now spreading out to all different devices.And those devices are connecting up in very flexible ways.And so,small devices,whether theyre pocketsized,or wrist.sized,tabletsized,walletsized,all of these things will come together.The TV experience will be a deeply changed digital experience.Even in the car,when youre interested in information,or being notified,
跟李阳老师一起学英语! 只有听懂了,才能说得出来! 听力学习绝对是疯狂的体力劳动! 听烂三盒磁带,让你的听力飞起来! 打通耳朵,沟通无障碍!