出版时间:2012-4 出版社:广东省语言音像出版社 作者:胡得钢 页数:199
我们听语言的过程是一个通过耳朵接收声音信号,进而反馈回大脑进行分析整理的过程。我们都足天生的听音高手。我们必须做倾听的高手,因为我们都能够运用自己的母语流利和有效地进行口头交流。既然我们能学好母语,那么,我们也完全有能力将英语的听说技能掌握好。 你有没有这样问过自己:“我是怎样学习自己的母语的?”事实上,我们从来没有真正地去“学习”过:我们只是在生活中听着、听着、不断地听,然后我们就能听懂、进而能说出自己的母语来了。当我们还是两三岁的孩子时,我们就开始能比较流利地说出自己的母语。最初的时候是几个词,而不是一个完整的句子。但说着说着,很快地,连想也没有想这个问题的时候我们就取得了飞速的进步。学会说自己的母语的这一过程就像变魔术一样。
前言中级听力学习目标第一章:社会热点(FOCUS)1.Abortion Pill2.US Appeals Court Allows Assisted Suicide3.Couple Adopts Six Children in One Day4.Free Gan Locks5.Organ Donations.6.Teen Suicide7.World Hunger Crisis第二章:人与自然(NATURE AND HUMAN)1.Animals Saved.2.Biosphere:Selfsustaining Environment.3.Crabs Cause Problems4.Drought in California5.Getting Rid of Fruit Flies.6.Hunting Gray Whales.7.Pigeon People8.Pollution Fight9.Timber or Trees?10.Tuna Dolphins11.A Volcano by the Sea第三章:科技动态(TECHNOLOGY FRONTIER)1.Cable Modems2.Computer Virus.3.Fast Car.4.Nuclear Scientists5.Power Protest6.Red Light Runners.7.Students Make Space Satellites第四章:城市轶事(CITY STORY)1.Bells Tributes.2.Boy Falls from Ride.3.Disc Jockey Threatens People4.Holiday Traffic5.Neighbors Fight6.Police Arrest Parents7.Wildlife Reacting to Climate Changes第五章:人物写真(PEOPLE)1.Age of Aquarius.2.Miracle Musician3.Murderer Wants Movie Made.4.Nature Sounds5.Old Ranger6.Walt Disney.第六章:今日时政(CURRENT AFFAIRS)1.Alaskan Oil Spill2.BART Strike3.California Toxic Spill4.Idaho Governor5.Lunar Real Estate6.Police Find Drugs7.Republicans Switching Parties第七章:居安思危(SAFETY PROBLEM)1.Asian Gangs2.Extra Police at Car Show.3.FBI Pardons4.Hate Crimes5.Home Invasion第八章:游历四方(TRAVEL AROUND)1.Birds of AIcatraz2Glen Canyon Dam3.Golden Gate Bridge’S 50th Birthday4.High Seas E—mail5.Monarch Butterflies6.Montana Gets7.Yellowstone第九章:家庭社区(FAMILY AND COMMUNITY)1.Kid’S cafe2.School District Agrees to Deal3.Boy Threatened at School4.Volunteers第十章:文艺与体育(CULTU RE,ARTS AND SPORTS)1.A CapeUa Summit2.Bicycle Messengers 0lympics3.Christmas TraditiOns and Music第十一章:商业经纬(BUSINESS REPORT)1.World COffee Prices2.World Bank—IMF Aid to Poor NatiOns第十二章:健康资讯(HEALTH REPORT)1.Alcohol and Hean Actacks2.Fast FOOd3.Drugs fOr High BlOOd Pressure1.T0p MOVies,Books and Music Of 2002(CoNVERSATIONS USTENING)附录:参考答案
2.Now he wants to go. A.about halfasfast as he did B.the speedof sound C.the speed of light 3.He will ride in a_____. A.rocket ship B. Navy jet engine C. five wheeled hot rod 4.He burned the brakes out in the car and went through a。_____. A. fence B. canal C.telephone pole 5.His wife Marilyn and the crew live with the project_____. A.every other week B.almost every day C. 24 hours a day 【疯狂思考练习】请重复听一遍录音内容,思考下面的问题,完成下列练习。 1.Years ago,Craig Breediove drove SO fast that_____. A.he ruined the car he was driving B.he set new speed records C.he got a speeding ticket 2. In order to go even faster.what does he need? A.He needs more gas. B.He has to use special brakes. C.He has to have ajet engine. 3.Why does his new car have five wheels? A.In case one tire went flat,he could replace it. B.The extra wheel helps to keep the car balanced. C.The sixthwheel fell off. 4.What happened to him the last time he raced? A.He could not stop his car in time. B.His car stopped exactly where he wanted it to. C. His car would not stop.
跟李阳老师一起学英语! 只有听懂了,才能说得出来! 听力学习绝对是疯狂的体力劳动! 听烂三盒磁带,让你的听力飞起来! 打通耳朵,沟通无障碍!