
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:湖北音像  作者:钟利平  页数:360  


  本数码光盘包含两大部分:1.数码光盘电子书(电脑互动做题);2.MP3听力录音文件。  ①数码光盘电子书(电脑互动做题) 数码光盘电子书使用说明    第一步 将光盘放入光驱中,待50秒左右,光盘就会自动打开显示于全屏状态,并有背景音乐。    第二步 点击电子书中的目录或下一页进行浏览,背景音乐音量可通过页面上小喇叭调控,若想将全屏状态缩小,可点击导航部分1:1进行窗口比例缩小。    第三步 光盘中的音频题目,一般都有播放和停止按钮;题目中的横线或括号供同学们在线作答;题目下的显示答案按钮用于核对答案。    ②MP3听力录音文件 MP3听力录音文件使用说明:    打开光盘盘符,进入光盘后,选择要收听的录音音频及相应格式的同步字幕文件,复制到您的MP3播放器中。




  Kindergarten students are typically four or five years of age. Iil class, they are introduced to the al-phabet, numbers, and colors; they study their bodies, their families, and their communities ; they listento stories read aloud; they make art projects; and they learn about holidays, plants, animals, and othertopics in science and social studies..Some kindergartens also teach introductory reading and mathematicalskills. Kindergartens tend to offer children a foundation for the development of social skills, self-confi-dence, motivation, and the process of knowing.The first kindergarten was started by German educator Friedrich Froebel in 1837 in Blankenburg,Prussia ( now part of Germany). Froebel chose the German term kindergarten ( children' s garden) be-cause he intended children in his school to grow as freely as flowers in a garden. Froebel' s kindergartenwas based on the then idea that children' s play was significant. At the time, almost no children underthe age of seven attended school, but Froebel designed his kindergarten for children between the ages ofthree and seven. The kindergarten became widely admired for its revolutionary teaching methods, andFroebel' s followers soon established other kindergartens based on his educational philosophy.  Froebel developed his own ideas about education by combining his belief in scientific observationwith his belief in the interconnection of all things. In addition, Froebel was concerned that the spread ofindustrialization would negatively affect the family, but he believed that kindergartens could increase thestatus of mothers and children. Froebel' s ideas became increasingly popular in the 1840s, but becausek!ndergartens were associated with liberalism and free-thinking, they were banned by the Prussian govern-ment after the failure of the liberal revolution of 1848.


  如果您使用过各种英语辅导资料,但成效不大,请您使用王迈迈英语系列丛书  王迈迈英语 畅销十五年 风靡几代人  光碟套装  王迈迈英语郑重承诺  不过关退书款  每套试卷均配有答题卡  听力光碟严格按照正规考试停顿  供2010年12月备考用 屡次押中A级考题  赠精美礼品1份,开卷有喜  英语有品牌 认准王迈迈



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   帮朋友买的a级书其实多做做题就能过的别太担心。。
  •   感觉还行~~
  •   那个啥,质量还不错,内容也ok,还可以了。
  •   哈哈,真的不错,让我过了A级考试
  •   还好。就是答题卡看起来很不好。
  •   有点用处就是题目太密集做的有点头痛
  •   就是和想象的不太一样本以为和去年买的模式一样那有讲解有题有单词那结果全是题有15套呵呵
  •   恩恩,这本书给我的感觉还行。就是一般般

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