出版时间:2010-8 出版社:湖北音像艺术出版社 作者:王迈迈 编 页数:164
计算机技术的飞速发展,为传统图书的传播带来了无限的空间和巨大的挑战。一张薄薄的光盘,不仅包含了传统图书的全部信息,而且像本套《核心考点精确打击》系列丛书,还可以实现电脑和学生互动做题,完成了一道考题,随时可对答案,真正做到了把中国一流的大师请到了自己的身旁,使学习效率成倍增长。 《核心考点精确打击》系列丛书的操作异常简单,所有的读者只要会开机都会使用;图书页面,层次分明,色彩丰富;图书配有背景音乐,音量随意调控,旋律优美和谐。
1 宇宙卫士——王者之剑史达
2 丧狮的攻击
3 魔鬼诞生
4 组合-飞遥翼
5 拯救队
6 拯救矿藏
7 破坏能源基地
8 城市地下的恐怖
9 为和平面战
10 新对手蓝蝙蝠
11 航天基地的战斗
12 乌云笼罩着马里兰州
13 狂派的阴谋
14 拯救麦考
15 地下水供电厂
16 陨石区之战
17 M星球之战
18 秃鹰
19 新机器人,煞星
20 初战失利
21 太空总部复活
22 生命的力量
23 南极之战
24 沙漠之战
25 生死搏斗
26 柯博文之死
27 狮王的诞生
28 博派危机
29 唤醒狮王
30 坚强的联合体
31 麦考拯救学校
32 基地危机
33 吃人的臭虫
34 宇宙至尊勇士胜利之王
35 恐怖的潮汐
36 太空城复活
37 毁灭太空城
38 博派凯旋
In the States, many people enjoy living in their old 4mus, evenmany old houses need a lot of repair work. The owners work day andmight re-pairing or rebuilding the houses themselves. Sometimes they design a newkitchen or bathroom, or even add a whole new floor to the old house. A few people are no! happy with any of these houses. These people buyold buihlings, such as old banks, churches, schools, or gas stations. Theyspend a lot of time and money changing the 61d buihtings into homes,but theysay." My home is different. "As is well known, the main differences between American houses andBritish houses are really two:size and height. Firstly, houses in America areoften wider. To some degree this is because they do not cost quite so much inmost places. Secondly, houses in America do not go up , they spread out.There are often fields around the houses. However, houses in Britain aie oftenbuildings. The British envy the Americans large houses and the fields aroundtheir houses.