
出版社:海文出版社  作者:华荣士 (Wallace.R.) 著  页数:123  


  《中学生英语听力新视野》是美国著名的培生教育出版集团(Pearson Education)专门为非英语国家的学生编写的英语听力丛书,它旨在通过大量贴近生活场景的听力材料和科学安排、精心设计的各类练习帮助中学生提高英语听力技能。  整套丛书共分3册,每册都有许多不同题材、原汁原味的听力素材,为学生创造纯正的英语学习环境;其科学安排的大量练习不仅可以考察学生对每篇文章的听力理解,而且可以提高学生的学习兴趣,切实帮助学生掌握各类听力技巧,提高听力技能




  F1: Austin Weber?  MI: Oh, hes going to become a mechanic. Hes always buying and F1xing old cars.  M2: And then selling them for a big proF1t.He could be a salesman.  F1: Okay. Austin Weber, most likely tobecome a champion car salesman. How about Eun Soo Kim?  F2: Shes such a good student. She getsperfect grades in everything. I think shell do something really important someday.  MI: She really cares about environmentalissues. Remember she took that vacationto study wildlife in Alaska.  F1: Okay. Eun See Kim, most likely to save the polar bears! Oh Tomoko, next is yourtwin sister Keiko.  F2: Keikos going to spend the rest of her lifelooking for a husband!  M2: Thats not true, Tomoko! Ill bet you tenbucks that Keiko will work for the UnitedNations or something. Shes alreadyjoined all kinds of volunteer organizations.  F2: My sister? Are we talking about the same person?  MI: I think Rajif might be right, Tomoko.Keiko would be perfect for that kind ofwork. Keiko Koriyama, our friend in theUnited Nations! Wouldnt that be neat?  F1: Okay. Weve just got one more to go.Enq Seck Tan.


  从培生教育出版集团引进  丛书特征  原汁原味的昕力材铸  各种原汁原味、贴近现实生活场景的有趣材料让你百听不厌,培养准确的英语语感。  科学安排的练习  各种科学安排的练习题型非常丰富,设计灵活多样,有助于学生愉快地接受听力考查,循序渐进提高听力技能。  语音讲解  为非英语国家学生专门设计的语音讲解部分包括要点讲解、听音识别及实践练习,不仅可以帮助学生达到正音的效果,也将有效地帮助他们提高听力水平。



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