出版时间:2010-3 出版社:吉林文化音像出版社 作者:包天仁 主编 页数:138
《英语趣味阅读与完形填空120篇》自出版以来备受广大读者朋友的青睐。本丛书以其知识性与可读性并重、实用性与趣味性齐举、题材新颖、体裁丰富等特点深受好评,常销不衰。此番再版,我们在保持其原有特色的基础上,做了如下修订: 一、书名修订为《英语阅读理解与完形填空100篇》,文章内容选材更新、编排更具科学性。本丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据,精心选取加工时效性强、适用性广、趣味性强、题材新颖的文章100篇,其中包括50篇阅读理解与50篇完形填空。 二、本丛书按照话题共分为10个单元,每个单元包含与该单元主题相关的阅读理解与完形填空文章各5篇,两种题型穿插安排,编排方式新颖。单元主题涉及人物、体育、娱乐、文化习俗、旅游等,话题丰富、涵盖面广,符合学生的兴趣爱好,融知识性与趣味性于一体。 三、试题设计更科学,考查更全面。主、客观题相结合,涵盖选择题、填空题、判断题、简答题等多种题型,考查形式兼顾词汇考查、细节考查以及主旨大意考查等。 四、每个单元后还增设了“教你阅读”栏目,结合各地最新中、高考试题对阅读理解题与完形填空题的常见设题方式、实用解题技巧与答题策略进行介绍与讲解,举例典型、阐述精练。帮助学生掌握科学的阅读方法,从而使其提高英语阅读能力,并进一步带动其他基本技能的提高。 五、本丛书的文章在选取编排时科学分级,充分考虑到兼顾现行各版本主流英语教材,使其适用性更加广泛。本丛书可适用于使用人教版、外研版、北师大版、冀教版、译林版、湘教版及牛津版等多种版本英语教材的初、高中学生学习使用。 六、参考答案部分增加了文章主旨大意介绍以及答案简析,使学生能够更好地理解文章内容、理清解题思路。 本丛书全新再版,装帧精关、版式新颖,既适合学生在老师的指导下集体使用,也适用于学生课外自主学习。
Unit 1 History & CultureReading Comprehension1 Hason Hackenwerths Balloon Art2 Polite Finns3 Safe Topics4 The History of Table Tennis5 American Important Birthdays教你阅读 阅读文章的题材与考试题目的设置Unit 2 Sports & GamesReading ComprehensionI Just Hit the Ball, and Run2 The Mascot of 2011 Summer Universiade3 Reds on Top Again!4 Girls on the Run5 The Youth Olympic Games教你阅读阅读理解中选择填空题的解题技巧点拨Unit 3 Science & TechnologyReading Comprehension1 A Mobile Phone for Children2 The BigDog3 Robot Puppet4 The Great Flying Car5 E-schoolbag教你阅读 阅读理解中判断正误题的解题技巧点拨Unit 4 EducationReading Comprehension1 Students Life in USA2 Subjects in Britain and America3 Language Genius4 The Purpose of Education5 Longer School Days教你阅读阅读理解中“回答问题”题型的解题技巧点拨Unit 5 PeopleReading Comprehension1 Le Clezio2 Famous Singer——Jang Nara3 Liu Qians World of Magic4 Ping-pongs New King5 The Youngest President of ModernRussia教你阅读 任务型阅读解题的解题技巧点拨Unit 6 Social LifeReading Comprehension1 Workers from Countryside2 Volunteers on the Rise3 Eat Less Beef4 What to Drink in the Morning5 New Kinds of Shopping Bags教你阅读 配对阅读理解题的解题技巧点拨Unit 7 Entertainment & HobbiesReading Comprehension1 Addictive Video Gamers2 Martian Language3 The Watoto Childrens Choir4 Before-School Dance5 Internet教你阅读 阅读理解各种设题的解题技巧点拨Unit 8 Festivals & TravelReading Comprehension1 International Clowns Festival2 Edmontons Capital EX3 Traveling with Camper Trailers4 Holiday Plans5 Thailands Songkran Water Festival教你阅读 做阅读理解题时的注意事项Unit 9 Environment & HealthReading Comprehension1 The Garbage Museum2 Give Plastic the Boot3 Protecting Oceans4 Try to Stop Getting Fat During Holidays5 The Big Tidy Up教你阅读 完形填空解题技巧点拨之一Unit 10 OthersReading Comprehension1 A Big Party2 A Peking Opera Project3 Information on the Internet4 Asians Are Good at Math5 A Headmaster教你阅读 完形填空解题技巧点拨之二参考答案
Britain, the best topic is the weather, and its also a safe topic. The weather in Britain changes quite often. You can starts mall talk simply (简单的) by saying, "Its a lovely day today, isnt it?" Besides weather, its good to talk about gardens. For example, you could say, "Those roses look really beautiful, dont they?"English people love their pets, so its also nice to start with "What a lovely dog! What is his name?" In America, people like to talk about sports, such as American football. They also like to talk about clothes by saying, "Its a nice shirt! Where did you get it?" Weather is a safe topic there, too. Of course, there are also a lot of to picsto avoid during small talk in We sterncountries. Dont ask people "How old are you?"Because age, especially for women, is usually a secret. Never ask "How much money do you make?" It makes people uncomfortable. Dont ask strangers whether they are married, have a girlfriend or boy friend. Politics (政治 ) or religion (宗教) is not a good topic, either.