
出版时间:1900-01-01  出版社:未定义出版社  


The highly-respected and popular English sextet, the King's Singers, are now passing their silver anniversary. With an infusion of new talent, the group continues to explore new avenues of sound across the spectrum, from madrigalists to modernists. This double-CD is compiled from their last seven recordings on BMG, some of which still include Alastair Hume and Simon Carrington, founding members. From the lilting "Chanson D'Amour," the Bob Chilcott arrangement of the Beach Boys' "The Lord's Prayer," Queen's "Seaside Rendezvous," Gorecki's quietly powerful "Total Tuus" and Schubert's classic art song, "Who Is Sylvia," the King's Singers precision tuning, consistently challenging and inventive arrangements and, most importantly, their love for what they do continue to carry the day, impressing audiences throughout the world.



    CD:CAPELLA六人无伴奏清唱歌曲集锦 PDF格式下载

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