
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:浙江工商大学出版社  作者:陈文娟 主编  页数:396  字数:588000  




Part Ⅰ Lesso
Unit One Food
Unit Two Culture
Unit Three Language
Unit Four Festivals and Holidays
Unit Five Born to Win
Unit Six Creativity
Unit Seven Myths and Legends
Unit Eight Love and Marriage
Unit Nine Man and Animals
Unit Ten Psychology in Our Daily Life
Unit Eleven Environmental Protection and Disaste
Unit Twelve Music
Part Ⅱ Scripts
Unit One Food
Unit Two Culture
Unit Three Language
Unit Four Festivals and Holidays
Unit Five Born to Win
Unit Six Creativity
Unit Seven Myths and Legends
Unit Eight Love and Marriage
Unit Nine Man and Animals
Unit Ten Psychology in Our Daily Life
Unit Eleven Environmental Protection and Disaste
Unit Twelve Music
Part Ⅲ Keys
Unit One Food
Unit Two Culture
Unit Three Language
Unit Four Festivals and Holidays
Unit Five Born to Win
Unit Six Creativity
Unit Seven Myths and Legends
Unit Eight Love and Marriage
Unit Nine Man and Animals
Unit Ten Psychology in Our Daily Life
Unit Eleven Environmental Protection and Disaste
Unit Twelve Music



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