
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:浙江工商大学出版社  作者:裘江海 编  




Chapter One Water Power Resources Management
Chapter Three Operation and Management of Rural Hydro Power
Station Reservoir
Chapter Four Safety Management of Rural Hydro Power
Chapter Five Rural Hydro Power Equipment
Chapter Six Emergency Management for Rural Hydro Power


版权页:137.How to guarantee the safety for adjustment of ac-tive/reactive power if the rural power station with low-voltage unit has no automatic excitation regulator?For the low-voltage unit with no automatic excitation regu- lator and speed governor,all the load of the lOkV line will be diverted to the unit once the line is out of power supply,and o- ver current is caused to the generator.Therefore,the over-cur- rent protection of the generator should be functioning in time to shut it down by tripping.First,Regulation of reactive power.The regulation of excitation before grid connection should be gradually increased,if over regulated,the generator termi- nals will have over voltage.For regulation of excitation after grid connection,the reac- tive power increases with the exciting current,and decreases when the exciting current decreases.If the exciting current is regulated to be too low,the generator will be under phase ad- vance operation,and the power factor is a negative value at the time.Generally,phase advance operation is not allowed for the generator.Under the phase advance operation,current of the stator should be kept a close eye on.Otherwise,if the current is overlooked after grid connection with reactive power,it will cause the following two situations:(1)Decrease of reactive load of the grid will cause rise of the voltage,partial exciting current of the generator preliminary for reactive power will be used for producing of terminal volt- age.The reactive power of the unit decreases automatically and the power factor increases.


《农村水电管理知识百问》:Based on existing rural hydropower managementstandards and regulations,this book gives detailedanswers to water resources management,rural hydropower project tax management,rural hydro powerequipment management and rural hydro power stationemergency management.This book could be taken as suitable references tothe administrative officials in water management,engineering and technical personnel,and other ruralhydro power operators in electrical and mechanicalmanagement.



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