
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:浙江工商大学出版社  作者:大学英语精品课程组  页数:136  


  《大学英语快速阅读(高级)》为《大学英语快速阅读》(高级),共有10单元,供大学英语四级学生以及程度相当的英语爱好者和自学者使用。每单元包括三篇文章,每篇文章后都有专门针对快速阅读的skimming and scanning练习。课文阅读和快速阅读练习设定了建议完成时间和实际完成时间,便于课堂操作和学生自学。每篇文章后还附有词汇拓展练习,旨在帮助学生巩固所学词汇。


Unit OnePassage One The Key WitnessPassage Two Top Ten Ways to Get Better GradesPassage Three How to Cope with College Life SurprisesUnit TwoPassage One I Will RememberPassage Two The Dangers of Teen DrivingPassage Three Cheap and CheerfulUnit ThreePassage One Dare to DreamPassage Two Financing Your College EducationPassage Three Five Ways to Spot a LiarUnit FourPassage One Tips for Overcoming the Habit of Putting It offPassage Two How to Handle a Dog AttackPassage Three How to Maximize Your Work at Home ExperienceUnit FivePassage One Barack ObamaPassage Two Olympic GamesPassage Three Why Do Women Hate Photographs of Themselves?Unit SixPassage One Women Are Now Equal as Victims of PoorPassage Two Don't Be Overwhelmed by Technolo a GripPassage Three Bottled Water Versus Tap WaterUnit SevenPassage One Warm-Up Versus HealthPassage Two Are You Addicted to Video Games?Passage Three Gaokao and China's Evolving EducationUnit EightPassage One Dad OverboardPassage Two Sport "Bought Access to Olympics"Passage Three Five Essential Tips for Your Year AbroadUnit NinePassage One Skin ClassificationPassage Two The Four Keys to Releasing Your Ultimate BeautyPassage Three Singapore Mobile Service: Prepaid or Postpaid?Unit TenPassage One The History of Google——Searching the WorldPassage Two Working at Home——The Changing Face of Business~Passage Three WikipediaKeys/Answers



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