
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:朱波  页数:206  




Unit 1
Text A Apology of Socrates (Excerpt)
Text B A Person Who Apologises Has the Moral Ball in
His Court
Unit 2
Text A The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature
of Power
Text B How Should One Read a Book?
Unit 3
Text A The Three New Yorks
Text B A Unified Theory of Urban Living
Unit 4
Text A Why Will Civilizations Clash?
Text B Is American Culture "American"?
Unit 5
Text A Celebrating Entrepreneurs
Text B Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Unit 6
Text A An Ugly New Footprint in the Sand
Text B Filtering Wildlife
Unit 7
Text A Genes for High Altitudes
Text B Looking at Sexual Selection
Unit 8
Text A On Friendship
Text B A Friend in Need
Unit 9
Text A We Need a Dug-Out Canoe to Navigate the
 Text B Always On
Unit 10
Text A The "Standard"
Text B The Benefits of Multilingualism
Unit 11
Text A A Crime of Compassion
Text B In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia
Unit 12
Text A From Composer to Interpreter to Listener
Text B How We Listen to Music
Unit 13
Text A An Observation and an Explanation
Text B Our Evolving View of Childhood
Unit 14
TextA On Becoming a Scientist
Text B What Is a Scientific Paper?
Unit 15
Text A The Sporting Spirit
Text B Reflections on Swimming
Unit 16
Text A How to Avoid Foolish Opinions
Text B The Advantages of Stupidity



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   没办法,不是保研的必须要学英语。。纸张不大好
  •   我们学校今年新编的一本英语书。。。内容很充实。。我从中可以学到很多知识和常识。。还有很多名人名事。。。。
  •   买这本书我是想自学,角儿很好
  •   刚开课,非常急需
  •   内容很丰富,涉及各类知识,相当不错~
  •   感觉不怎么滴
  •   非常好,学校选的教材很好。

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