
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:邓大飞 等主编  页数:212  




Unit 1 Jobs
 Passage One Getting Your First Part-Time Job
 Passage Two How to Get Along with Your Boss
 Passage Three Top Nine Tips: How to Keep Your Job in Today's
 Passage Four Ten Best Part-Time Jobs for Teens
Unit 2 Gender Discrimination
 Passage One More Comprehensive Policy Action on Gender
Discrimination in Workforce
 Passage Two Sexual Discrimination in the City
 Passage Three Gender Discrimination
 Passage Four Sexual Discrimination Isn't "Trivial"
Unit 3 Self-Confidence
 Passage One How to Build Self-Confidence
 Passage Two The Spirit to Be Yourself
 Passage Three Ten Ways to Instantly Build Self-Confidence
 Passage Four Ways to Help Build Self-Confidence in Teenagers
Unit 4 Credibility
 Passage One The Six Drivers of Brand Credibility
 Passage Two No End to Ingenuity of Poison Milk Perpetrators
 Passage Three FIFA: Credibility Crisis Continues as Former
Affirms Body's Corrupt
 Passage Four What If a Nation Suffers Credibility Drain
Unit 5 Food Crisis
 Passage One Preventing Another Food Crisis
 Passage Two Why Global Warming Portends a Food Crisis?
 Passage Three After the Oil Crisis, a Food Crisis?
 Passage Four Why Is So Much Fighting for Food?
Unit 6 Disasters and Rescues
 Passage One Roadside Inferno
 Passage Two Disaster on a Mountain
 Passage Three Is Haiti Ready for Hurricane Season?
 Passage Four Horror and Tragedy in Australia's Worst
Unit 7 Travel
 Passage One A Free Farm Holiday If You're Willing to Work
 Passage Two Going Our Way: 101 Dalmatian Sights
 Passage Three 36 Hours in Panama City, Panama
 Passage Four Discovering Canada's Cool Capital
Unit 8 Books
 Passage One A Novel of Hemingway's First Marriage
 Passage Two Sudden Awakening
 Passage Three Boys to Men
 Passage Four Sarah Pekkanen on the Gender Divide in Children's



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