
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:《高效课堂·钻石学案》编写组 编  页数:250  




Unit 1 The written worldWelcome/ReadingWord powerGrammar and usageTaskProject周六作业一周日作业一周六作业二周日作业二单元测试Unit 2 The universal languageWelcome/ReadingWord powerGrammar and usageTaskProject周六作业一周日作业一周六作业二周日作业二单元测试Unit 3 The world of colours and lightWelcome/ReadingWord powerGrammar and usageTaskProject周六作业一周日作业一周六作业二周日作业二单元测试Unit 4 Films and film eventsWelcome/ReadingWord powerGrammar and usageTaskProject周六作业一周日作业一周六作业二周日作业二单元测试参考答案


  Not everyone likes organized sports or team sports. If this sounds like you, don't sweat it. We' re going to talkabout what keeps some kids from liking sports. With a few changes, you might find out that there is a sport outthere that you could like.Sometimes, kids feel that they don't like sport because they may not understand how to play them or theyhaven't had much practice doing them. Sports can seem complicated because of all the rules and specialequipment. Even the fields and courts they play on need different shapes and sizes and have confusing-looking linesdraw on them.People spend many years learning about their favorite sports and practicing how to do them well. So don't feelbad if you don't know the difference between a "comer kick" and a "goal kick" in soccer. If you want to learnmore about a sport, you might ask your morn or dad about camps or programs that introduce kids to new sports.These may be better than just joining a team that start playing games right away without much explaining first.Gym class and intramural programs at school can also be a way to try new sports with a mix of kids.Another way to learn about a sport is to watch instructiona  videos or DVDs or check out library books that explainthe rules and offer suggestions for kids learning to play them.   ……



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