
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:《高效课堂·钻石学案》编写组 编  页数:302  


  让我们的课堂高效而充满魅力,让我们的课堂成为教师和学生共同经营知识、能力、情感、价值观的交流平台,是我们执著的追求。课堂是教师和学生共同的家园,“教学相长”正是对这一追求的最好注脚。于是,我们投身课程改革实践,用自己的眼睛发现问题,用自己的思考分析问题,用自己的智慧解决问题。发现和创造成为我们教师职业生存方式的重要内容。我们一直在探索,努力让课堂有知识、有能力、有生机、有生命的质感。  致力于构建“高效课堂”的“朴实教学”,是以学案为载体,以导学、助学、督学为方式,以学生的自主性、合作性、探究性学习为主体,以教师为主导,师生合作共同完成教学目标的一种教学方式。这种教学方式使教学过程由“教”变为“导”,由“要我学”变为“我要学”,真正实现“减负增效”,建立良好的师生关系,形成和谐的课堂气氛。学案教学作为高效课堂的重要抓手与实现途径,正受到越来越多的关注,学案教学的研究方兴未艾。我们在多年实践并研究探索的基础上,遴选教学一线优秀的特、高级教师,优化设计理念,强化责任意识,精心组织策划,将这套《高效课堂·钻石学案》丛书奉献给广大师生。


Module 10Unit 1夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 2夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 3夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 4夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Module 11Unit 1夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 2夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 3夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试Unit 4夯实基础ReadingTask & Project单元测试参考答案


  Once I read an article in a newspaper. The author of it put out an idea that he wanted to live in a harmonioussociety. He thought that although we have made great progress in science and technology in recent years, it wasmore important to build a harmonious society. After reading it, I began to think about how a harmonious societywas. Now I have the answer: love, no terrorism and no crime.First, love is the most essential factor in a harmonious society——the love among family members, the lovebetween lovers, and even the love among strangers, Nowadays the relationsttip between person and person becomemore and more different. It seems as if they feel it mean to share their,:love with others. But if we want to build aharmonious society,, we must “give” love as soon as possible, not just “take” love. We should, consider everyperson as our family member and friend. We ought to try to help those who are in trouble. I can't imagine how thesociety will be without love. Anyone who shares love with others will feel warm and happy from the bottom of theirheart.   ……?



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