
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:陈新仁 编  页数:208  


  词汇学是语言学的一个分支,研究语言或一种语言词汇的组成和历史发展。尽管词汇是语言的基础,我们却发觉词汇学在整个语言学体系中似乎缺乏相称的重要地位。更让我们惊诧的是,甚至有人认为词汇学不是一门独立的语言学分支学科。这显然不利于词汇学作为一门学科的发展。  究其原因,与语音、语法相比,词汇似乎因其数量庞大而难以系统研究。然而,大量的已有成果表明,词汇学有其相对明确的研究内容,如词汇结构、构成、意义、变异、变化、来源等;词汇学研究对于认识、使用、学习语言具有重要的意义,对于词典编纂、文化交流等有一定的应用价值。近二十年来,在当代语用学、认知语言学等学科的积极影响下,在语料库语言学的推动下,词汇学研究迎来了新的发展契机,专著、教材不断涌现。  我们认为,词汇学的理论目标在于深化关于词汇作为语言基础的认识,应用目标在于提高语言学习者和使用者的词汇应用能力。作为一本为我国英语学习者编写的入门性教材,本书固然重视系统讲解英语词汇学的理论知识,但更强调培养学生的词汇应用能力,即在各类交际中使用、理解词汇的能力,因而是一本实用的词汇学教材,或用我国词汇学研究专家汪榕培教授的话说,是一本“狭义的词汇学”教程。


英语词汇在英语研究和英语教学中的地位是不言而喻的,英语词汇学作为高等学校英语专业的一门重要课程的地位也是不容置疑的。《英语词汇学实用教程》突破了传统的词汇学教材格局,吸收了语言学相关分支学科的最新研究成果,注重英语词汇的交际价值,强调培养学生的词汇能力,是一本有时代特色和理论实践高度的新教材,把英语词汇学教材建设又向前推进一步,值得推荐。    《英语词汇学实用教程》一书系统地讨论了英语词汇学中的重要理论和方法,几乎涵盖了该学科的所有前沿课题。理论与实践,双管齐下,用理论指导实践,在实践中巩固与升华理论;叙、论、练,三位一体,多维阐释,相得益彰。由浅入深,循序渐进,不仅是大学生的理想教材,也是从事英语研究者难得的硕、博士生参考书。    《英语词汇学实用教程》符合创新型、研究型人才培养的教学理念,摆脱了传统词汇学教材的模式和框架,突出了知识的系统性和时代性,做到了趣味性和实用性的有机结合。本教材一定会成为学习者步入语言学殿堂的又、一块敲门砖。


Unit1 Preliminaries about Lexicology  Pre-Class Reading    1.1  Lexicology as a branch of linguistic study    1.2  The vocabulary of a language    1.3  Words as main units of the English vocabulary    1.4  Lexical knowledge    1.5  Lexical competence  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Proiect WorkUnit2 The Formation of English Words  Pre-Class Reading      2.1  Morphemes in English      2.2  Major processes of word formation in English    2.3  Other processes of word formation in English    In-Class Activities     Post-Class Tasks      Project Work  Unit3 The Grammatical Aspect of English Words  Pre-Class Reading    3.1  Word classes in English    3.2  Countable nouns vs. uncountable nouns    3.3  Transitive verbs vs. intransitive verbs    3.4  Dynamic verbs vs. stative verbs  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Project WorkUnit4 The Idiomatic Aspect of English Word Combinations  Pre-Class Reading    4.1  Chunks in English    4.2  Collocations in English      4.3  Idioms in English    4.4  Proverbs in English  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Project WorkUnit5 The Semantic Tgpes of English Words  Pre-Class Reading    5.1  Concrete words vs. abstract words    5.2  Proper nouns vs. common nouns    5.3  Descriptive words vs. evaluative words    5.4  Fuzzy words and hedges  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Proiect WorkUnit6 The Semantic Networks of English Words  Pre-Class Reading    6.1  Semantic networks    6.2  Semantic fields    6.3  Superordinates vs. hyponyms     6.4  Meronyms vs. holonyms    6.5  Lexical gaps  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Project WorkUnit7 The Semantic Relations among English Words  Pre-Class Reading    7.1  Synonyms and synonymous expressions    7.2  Antonyms and antonymous expressions    7.3  Polysemous words vs. homonymous words    7.4  Semantic relations and textual organization  In-Class Activities  Post-Class Tasks  Project WorkUnit8 The Emotional Aspect of English WordsUnit9 The Stglistic Aspect of English WordsUnit10 The Social Aspect of English WordsUnit11 The Cultural Aspect of English WordsUnit12 The Cognitive Aspect of English WordsUnit13 The Change of English WordsUnit14 The Loan Words in EnglishUnit15 Learning the English VocabularyUnit16 The Tgpes and Components of DictionariesReferencesGlossary


  In the natural world, almost all things are continuous rather than discrete.Humans in a natural environment have little difficulty with this reality. If it getstoo hot, we turn on the air-conditioner. If it gets too cold, we put a coat on. Butthere is no precise definition of "too hot" or "too cold"; rather, it depends totallyon the individuals intuitive judgment. Because language is our reflection of thereal world and our experience with it, it is inevitably fuzzy.  The role of fuzzy language resides mainly in the following areas: enhancingflexibility, expanding the capacity of language to express the information andbroadening the language of the imagination, achieving a special effect, inparticular, enhancing the aesthetic value of literature. The following extractionexemplifies how fuzzy words (marked in bold face ) can be employed forevaluation:  (10) This is an attractive idea while this analysis seemed intuitively appealing, its tpersuasiveness was weakened by lack of native-speaker discourse to serveas abaseline.  Closely related to the concept of fuzziness is that of hedges, which, accordingto Lakoff (1972:183), are "words and expressions whose job is to make thingsmore or less fuzzy". Hedges, with all their plentiful semantic features andpragmatic functions, serve to make the statement sound more mild, polite,flexible, and effective. We are safe in saying things like " Catherine is probablysomewhere in her thirties" because we do not need to give an exact figure, nor dowe have to shoulder extra responsibility for the truthfulness of our statements asthey alow a range of flexibility. Sometimes, tactful use of hedges becomes aprofessional requirement.




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  •   书本质量还好 英语专业要求的书
  •   和语言学实用教程配套的,很好
  •   对于词汇记忆大有帮助 要好好利用
  •   还不错,和教材没什么区别
  •   我的教材来的
  •   学校要用的书 被我退了只能再买一本。。。
  •   不错的啦啊,书还蛮新的,速度挺快
  •   正版书 质量好 全好评
  •   还没开始用.简单浏览了一下.书的质量还不错.~
  •   买来考研用的,不错的,就是纸质有些发黄~~
  •   帮别人买的,反应不错,书写的很好,也是正版
  •   挺好的,就是发货有点慢。。。
  •   不错,应该是正版的吧
  •   教材来着,发货速度不错
  •   老师推荐,应该不错,可惜没有配套的教参

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