
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:何康民,俞建耀 主编  页数:278  


  伴随着我国加入WTO及经济全球化进程加快,国际商务交流活动日益频繁,英语在国际经济贸易领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而仅仅具有良好的英语能力是不够的,还必须熟悉国际贸易相关的专业知识,只有这样才能在激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地。编者正是基于这样的指导思想才编写了《国际贸易英语》一书,力求使其成为全国高等学校商务英语类精品教材。  本书共14章,详尽介绍了进出口贸易体系,以期帮助读者了解国际贸易的每笔交易从发生、发展到结束的整个流程。教材内容大都选自国际经济贸易的原版书籍和英文报刊,教材语言注重体验观、语用观,系统展示了国际贸易专业英语的科学性、系统性和实用性,是一本适合高等院校商务英语专业和经贸类专业英语课程使用的教材。本书的编写具有以下几个特点:  每章由Lead—in部分引入,便于学生展开思考与讨论。  每章配有一些插图、图表,以确保阐述的清晰性、趣味性。  每章附有经典案例分析,材料新颖,反映了当前国际贸易新的发展方向与变化。  每章附有大量习题,帮助学生把握重点,同时考查学生对知识的掌握程度和  应用能力。  本书主编之一何康民曾在湖北省外贸公司从事进出口贸易工作长达十余年之久,积累了丰富的实践经验;主编之二俞建耀曾在中国成套设备进出口广州股份公司从事进出口贸易,后又在广东省外经贸厅WTO事务咨询服务中心从事咨询;其他作者也均在高等学校长期担任国际经济与贸易专业英语教学工作,具有丰富的教学经验。在此,编者愿与广大读者分享进出口业务知识与经验,为培养优秀的国际经贸和英语专门人才贡献自己的绵薄之力。




1 An Overview of International Trade2 International Business Negotiation3 A General Description of Import and Export Clearance4 Performance of Export Transaction5 Performance of Sales Contract6 International Trade Disputes and Claims7 International Trade Settlement8 International Logistics9 International Cargo Transportation Insurance10 B1arriers in International Trade11 Force Majeure and Arbitration12 International E-commerce13 Documents Used in International Trade14 WTO and Regulations of World Trade


  Commodity Inspection  Commodity inspection is an indispensable link in the chain of smoothhandling of foreign trade transactions.Internationally, export and importcommodity inspections are executed by a third party generally known as surveyor.Some of the surveyors are governmental organs, others are run by individuals ortrade associations. Upon application by the seller or the buyer, the surveyorexercises inspection or analysis over the export or import commodities as to theirquality, weight, quantity, packaging, and marking, place of origin or damage.As a result of the inspection and notarized appraisal, commodity inspectioncertificates are issued. The inspection certificate, in foreign trade practice,functions as foundation or basis on which the delivery and acceptance of thegoods, the payment of the goods, or the claim and reimbursement for a loss ismade between the seller and the buyer.  In China, the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection andQuarantine Bureau is the main institution authorized to exercise quality, quantityand other kinds of controls over export and import commodities and notarizedocuments related to foreign trade. The Bureau and its branches act according tostate laws and decrees,and work for expanding our foreign trade andsafeguarding the countrys prestige.  In China, legal inspection of export commodities is conducted on thosecommodities listed in the "Catalogue of Export and Import Commodities Subjectto Inspection", export commodities that require certificates of inspections asstipulated in foreign trade contracts, and animal by-products and foodstuffs forexport subject to quarantine and sanitary inspections.According to stateregulations, all export commodities listed for legal inspection are subject toexamination by a commodity inspection bureau or office on the quality,specifications and packaging conditions as specified in foreign trade contracts orrelated stipulations. Certificates are issued for those commodities that pass theinspection, and only those with such certificates are allowed to pass through theCustoms.


  了解国际贸易的发展与变化  把握国际贸易的趋势与方向  体验国际贸易的流程与交流



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