出版时间:2009-7 出版社:苏州大学出版社 作者:刘白玉,高新华 主编 页数:209
一年磨一剑。14位一线教师经过一年的努力编写的《商务英语》教材就要跟读者见面了。回顾一年的拼搏历程,感慨万千。 商务英语是“英语百花园”里的一朵奇葩。她一开花,就迅速香遍祖国的大疆南北,短短十几年时间,全国就有一千多所高等院校开设了商务英语课程,并且有三十多所大学拥有了商务英语方向的硕士研究生。何也?市场需要。 1978年,中国刚刚对外开放时,对外贸易额位于世界第37位,至2008年,对外贸易额已经高达2万多亿美元,超过老牌的世界经济强国英国和日本,一跃成为仅次于美国和德国的世界第3大贸易国。据笔者预测,至20112年,中国的GDP将超过日本,成为世界第2大经济体;而对外贸易额也将超过德国,成为世界第2大贸易国。 世界的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,随着对外贸易的高速发展;社会上急需既懂英语又懂国际商务知识的复合型、应用型高级人才。在这种大环境下,商务英语便应运而生。根据教学规律,教材建设是培养高级人才的基础和首要问题,正所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。但综观近几年的商务英语教材,在内容的系统性、完整性、新颖性、精品性等方面俱佳的教材却很少,这在很大程度上阻碍了人才的培养。为此,笔者组织14位教师编写了这本教材。这些教师不仅具有丰富的一线商务英语教学经验,而且大多数具有在企业工作的实践经验,甚至超过半数的教师还有海外学习、工作的经验,有力地保证了此教材的编写质量。 本教材分为8章,基本涵盖了商务英语的主要领域。这8章及其编写人员分别是:经济学入门(顿小慧),国际贸易壁垒(扈珺),国际支付与结算(曲艺、高新华),国际市场营销(唐文龙),国际商务谈判(刘夏青),人力资源管理(刘白玉、陈伟),商务伦理(苑学宁),跨文化交流(徐新宇、迟明赞)。每章的补充阅读部分由顿小慧、刘白玉、刘夏青编写,其中顿小慧负责经济学入门和国际市场营销,刘白玉负责国际贸易壁垒、国际支付与结算、人力资源管理,刘夏青负责国际商务谈判、商务伦理和跨文化交流。另外,为了培养学生积极、乐观、向上的心理品质,我们在每章后面还增加了“stay Positive”部分,由窦钰婷老师编写。
世界的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,随着对外贸易的高速发展,社会上急需既懂英语又懂国际商务知识的复合型、应用型高级人才。在这种大环境下,商务英语便应运而生。根据教学规律,教材建设是培养高级人才的基础和首要问题,正所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。但综观近几年的商务英语教材,在内容的系统性、完整性、新颖性、精品性等方面俱佳的教材却很少,这在很大程度上阻碍了人才的培养。为此,笔者组织14位教师编写了这本教材。这些教师不仅具有丰富的一线商务英语教学经验,而且大多数具有在企业工作的实践经验,甚至超过半数的教师还有海外学习、工作的经验,有力地保证了此教材的编写质量。 本教材分为8章,基本涵盖了商务英语的主要领域。 本教材具有以下显著特点:(1)语言规范:所有文章全部选自英美报刊。(2)内容全面:涵盖了商务英语的主要领域,可谓一书在手,各领域皆有。(3)既教书又育人:所有章节都有“名人名言”、“欢乐时刻”和“乐观向上”部分。据调查,现在不少大学生具有心理障碍,除了社会原因外,我们的教学也负有不可推卸的责任。通过日常的教学,循序渐进地培养学生的幽默感和乐观向上的人生观是本书的另一大特点。(4)案例式教学:每一章均有两个经典案例,引导学生参与。这打破了传统的、学生不喜欢的“填鸭式”教学方法,顺应了先进的教学理念,同时也符合世界流行的教学名言:Tell me,and l will forget;Show me,and I might remember;Involve me,and l will understand。(5)教辅材料齐全:作为一线教师,我们深知,教材与普通书籍的显著区别就是教材要“便于教师教学”。为此,我们编写了完整的教辅材料——全部练习答案、全书的PPT课件、5套试题。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics Section A GDP and Green GDP Section B What Is Money? Background Information Notes Exercises Case Study Stay Positive Supplementary ReadingChapter 2 Trade Barriers Section A Lack of Trade Barriers of Internet Section B How Free Trade Benefits Americans Background Information Notes Exercises Case Study Stay Positive Supplementary ReadingChapter 3 International Settlement Section A Export Payment Terms Section B A Typical International Trade Transaction by LC Background Information Notes Exercises Case Study Stay Positive Supplementary ReadingChapter 4 International Marketin Section A Global Standardization or Adaptation Section B Global Branding or Local Marketing Background Information Notes Exercises Case Study Stay Positive Supplementary ReadingChapter 5 International Business Negotiation Section A Skills for Business Negotiation Section B How to Win Gracefully Background Information Notes Exercises Case Study Stay Positive Supplementary ReadingChapter 6 Human Resources ManagementChapter 7 Business EthicsChapter 8 Intercultural CommunicationReferences
This foresight doesnt extend to "biological capital". GDP neither recognizesnatural resources as capital nor accounts for their depreciation. As a result, acountry could come close to exhausting its resources and irreparably damage itscapacity for future growth before the problem is recognized in the accounts. Forexample, the depletion of Indonesias forests might not reflect GDP until thatcountry can no longer export timber at the current rate. Repetto of the World Resources Institute shows how GDP can send falsesignals to policy-makers by treating natural resources as free and unnecessary torenew. He asks his readers to consider the following hypothetical example:Should a farmer cut and sell the timber in her woods to raise money for a newbarn? Would she be better off? Most of us would answer yes, if the value of thebarn was greater than that of the timber. No such calculation is made in figuring GDP. Nowhere is the loss——even if itsa temporary loss——of a valuable natural resource, like timber, reflected in theaccounts. In fact, if the farmer builds the barn, GDP would actually increase bythe value of the timber and by the value of other products and services used tobuild the barn. According to the accounts, the timber was worthless as a forest,and it only gained value once cut. GDP falls short as a measure of sustainable income in another importantway. GDP treats expenditures to counter the noxious environmental and socialside effects of economic growth——such as cleaning up after an oil spill——as positivecontributions to the economy. Those so-called "defensive expenditures" artificially inflate GDP. Defensiveexpenditures are in essence costs of production that the debit side of the accountsignores. Their main function is to neutralize environmental and social damage.They add nothing to the availability of goods and services. The treatment of environmental damage produces some bizarre anomalies inGDP.