出版时间:2009-7 出版社:苏州大学出版社 作者:赵会军,张希颖 主编 页数:223
随着全球经济的发展和市场化运作不断加强,我国越来越迫切需要既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的人才。如何有效地提高实际语言运用能力,培养既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的人才,从而符合社会经济生活的实际需求,已成为教育工作者的历史责任。 为了适应新形势,满足各大专院校经济类专业、管理类专业,尤其是市场营销专业教学的需求,我们编写了《市场营销》(英文版)。本书具有以下特色: 1.内容新颖,知识系统全面,专业性、可读性强。 2.强调专业基础,注重全面提高学生运用英语表达专业知识的能力。 3.编写者都是从事市场营销英语教学的一线教师,具有多年丰富的教学经验和实践经验。 4.《市场营销》(英文版)一书语言通俗易懂又具有专业特色,特别注重实际营销业务的知识介绍。 全书共11个单元,分别介绍了全球营销概况、市场营销的概念、变化的营销环境、营销信息系统、消费者市场及消费行为、STP营销(市场细分、目标市场选择与产品定位)、产品、定价、地点、促销、社会责任和市场道德等关于市场营销的主要知识。 本书可供经济、贸易、商业、管理类等专业的学生作为教材使角,亦可供具备一定英语基础的专业工作人员作为培训和学习使用。
1 A Changing World,a Changing Marketing Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises2 Marketing Concept and 4Ps Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises3 Changing Marketing Environment Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises4 Martketing Information System Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises5 Consumer Market and Customer Buying Behavior Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises6 STP Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises7 Product Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises8 Place Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises9 Price Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises10 Promotion Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises11 Social Responsibility and Marketing Ethics Opening Case Text Key Terms Exercises
Firms must satisfy customers, or the customers wont continue to "vote" forthe firms survival and success with their money. But firms must also keep in mindthat sales revenue from customers comes at a cost. It may cost more to satisfysome needs than any customers are willing to pay. So profit——the differencebetween a firms revenue and its total costs——is the bottom-line measure of thefirms success and ability to survive. It is the balancing point that helps the firmdetermine what needs it will try to satisfy with its total sometimes costly effort.Macro-Marketing and Micro-Marketing Defined Macro-marketing is a social process that directs an economys flow of goodsand services from producers to consumers in a way that effectively matches supplyand demand and that accomplishes the objectives of society. Emphasis is on thewhole system. Like micro-marketing, macro-marketing is concerned with the flowof need-satisfying goods and services from producers to consumers. However, theemphasis with macro-marketing is not on the activities of individual organizations.Instead, the emphasis is on how the whole marketing system works, whichinvolves looking at how marketing affects society, and vice versa. Every society needs a macro-marketing system to help match supply anddemand. Different producers in a society have different objectives, resources, andskills. Likewise, not all consumers share the same needs, preferences, andwealth. In other words, within every society there are both heterogeneous supplycapabilities and heterogeneous demands for goods and services.